New City Thu Thiem, HCMC
Mai Chi Tho street, Binh Khanh ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh city, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Vietnam has long become one of the most sought-after countries for overseas property investors, with the fact that Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) has demonstrated to the world its rapid pace of growth. To help alleviate the jam-packed city, Thu Thiem is planned by the government to become the next CBD, the “West Kowloon” / “Pudong” of HCMC, with major infrastructure projects on-going to tout the place as the center of finance, commerce, and international hub for businesses.With progressing infrastructure projects, Thu Thiem will eventually unveil its unique identity to serve the residents to meet their every need.New City Thu Thiem, developed by Tuan Viet, is located right at Thu Thiem which is poised to be the center of Saigon in the future. The condo is blessed with lucrative investment opportunities and praised for its distinguished design, with every exquisite detail meticulously put together to bring residents a harmonious place called home to spend every minute of their quality life.項目由1,200,000港元起 / 預計租金回報率 7% p.a. / 10% 首期***項目特色:
- 單位約120萬港元起*
- 10% 首期
- 淨面積 45.36至 133.21平方米起(488 平方英尺至 1433平方英尺),非常適合外籍家庭
- 提供 1房至 3 房單位
- 越南人的永久業權;租賃地契 50 年,外國人可以續約——當外國人將單位轉售給當地越南人時,該物業立即成為永久業權
- 即將成為胡志明市「西九龍」/「浦東」
- 設施包括:100,000 平方米中央公園、游泳池、網球場、燒烤場、戶外舞台、足球場、兒童遊樂區、健身房、步行街、超市、幼兒園、餐廳和咖啡廳等
- 傢俬齊全*
- 預計租金回報率 7% p.a
- 無需前往越南即可在香港預訂單位
*適用於條款及細則 ****租賃回報僅為物業之預測,並非發展商保證回報

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