Diamond Island, HCMC


The economy of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam has been booming with very positive results, making it a great investment hotspot, especially for foreign investors. Billions of dollars have been poured in from overseas renowned enterprises to result in promising GDP growth of 6.68% year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2016†. The government, on the other hand, also helps boost the economic upturn with various infrastructure developments like the new airport terminal by Year 2025, the upcoming Metro Lines (MRT) by Year 2020, and the transformation of Thu Thiem into the “West Kowloon” / “Pudong” of HCMC etc., all will draw an influx of income to the flourishing city. Moreover, with Vietnam’s new residential housing law implemented on 1st July 2015 allows foreigners to buy properties in the country for a 50-year leasehold with renewal possibility upon expiration, the promising city has secured itself in the property market with an outlook for lucrative return. We invite you to join our seminar to find out more about HCMC, the new housing law, as well as the full potential the vibrant city possesses.Diamond Island—the first and only resort marina in HCMC developed by Kusto Home will be launched in Hong Kong during our event.† figure according to Bloomberg***Kusto Home 的胡志明項目 250 萬港元起 / 10% 首付 / 預計2年總租賃回報達8% p.a. *** Gross Rental Guarantee 8% p.a. for 2 Yr ***


    • 約 250 萬港元起的公寓單位*
    • 首期:10%
    • 淨面積 101.90 平方米起至 393.60 平方米。 (1,096 平方英尺至 4,236 平方英尺),非常適合外籍家庭
    • 價格從每平方英尺 1,800 港元起
    • 提供 2 至 4房和複式單元
    • 越南人的永久業權;租賃地契 50 年,外國人可以續約——當外國人將單位轉售給當地越南人時,該物業立即成為永久業權
    • 即將成為胡志明市「西九龍」/「浦東」
    • 由總部位於新加坡的 Kusto Group 開發,流動資產超過 10 億美元
    • 廣闊的水面和周圍的綠地為鑽石島提供了廣闊的開放和隱私空間,自然空氣,涼爽的河風,CBD的壯麗景色
    • 86.7%的場地用於園林綠化,綠化密度增加至16平方米,高於其他發達城市(人均10至14平方米)。
    • 專享各種便利設施,包括著名的整體 Sancy 水療中心、健身中心、室外游泳池、超市等
    • 每單位 1:1 車位分配
    • 家具齊全和完工的單位*
    • 預計2年總租賃回報達8% p.a.
    • 無需前往越南即可在香港預訂單位
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    Tags: 2021 / 2022 / ashton hawks / buyorlet / hcmc / investment / property / vietnam