Category Archives: Press Release

W Residences Manchester Media Launch in Salboy’s Office

[Manchester’s Big News] Had a fantastic time at the media briefing held at the Salboy office! 

It was an enlightening and successful event, where we had the opportunity to showcase the latest project – W Residences Manchester. The energy in the room was electrifying, as top media professionals and experts gathered to learn more about the innovative developments. A special thanks to Salboy, Relentless Developments, and all the media representatives who joined us.

Come check out Manchester’s First Branded Residences at St Michael’s on 18-19 November 2023 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, HK.
時間:11am (英文) | 2pm (廣東話) 及 4pm (廣東話)

WhatsApp RSVP:
📞 Enquiry | RSVP by Phone:5226 1138


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    Origin Property推出 The Origin Kathu-Patong 公寓項目


    泰國布吉— 精明投資者可獲高達 8% 租金回報

    泰國上市開發商The Origin PCL


    獨家海外配額將於 7 月 22 日至 23 日在香港首次預售

    (香港 – 2023 年 7 月 17 日)位於卡圖區的 The Origin Kathu - Patong 坐落於芭東海灘和歷史悠久的舊城區之間,低密度的高級住宅項目由三座八層高建築、一個會所和七個零售商店組成,共提供617個單位,預計於 2025 年第三季度峻工。該物業已擁有永久地權並設有五款房型,其中包括 25 平方米的開放式單位、28 平方米的休閒開放式單位、28 平方米的一房單位、34 平方米的主人房連細房單位以及 47 平方米的兩臥海景套房,售價由港幣 49 萬(泰銖 220 萬)起,預計每年租金回報率高達 8%。佔地 6-2-84 萊(或 10,736 平方米)的 The Origin Kathu - Patong 配備多款先進設施,包括大堂、共享工作室、健身中心、游泳池、泳池連通房、空中花園和洗衣房。公寓停車場亦提供相等 42% 單位的停車位供住客使用。

    泰國 — 擁有物業和充滿投資機會的國度

    The Origin Kathu - Patong 項目是繼 Origin Property 及旗下聯繫企業創下破紀錄達成 117% 預售目標的佳績後,並預期 2023 年 12 月按年凈利潤增長 18%(高達 37.75 億泰銖凈利潤)的強勢表現下推出的房地產項目,反映出泰國房地產市場的穩健優勢和未來增長潛力。

    作為一個每年接待超過 1,600 萬遊客的世界級旅遊勝地,布吉有望從泰國作為第二大健康和保健的休閒旅遊國家的地位中獲益。其相對相宜的生活成本和持續完善的項目,例如布吉智慧城市,對數碼遊牧、退休人士和尋覓第二家園的外國人別具吸引力,而不斷上升的樓價和高租金收益率亦為投資者擴大其投資回報。

    Origin Property 在香港的獨家總代理 Ashton Hawks 創辦人及行政總裁賴遠方先生表示:「The Origin Kathu - Patong 提供度假村風格的設施,其價格合理的單位適合自用或高租金回報的投資。市場罕有的泳池直通房型亦對買家更具吸引力。有鑑布吉房地產投資的增長趨勢,我們預計甚高的單位需求量。」


    Origin Property
    Origin Property PCL 致力為客戶提供優質的物業產品和服務,並透過住宅開發業務、經常性收入業務、服務業務和新興行業務四個核心業務,為房地產業界的發展作出貢獻。

    住宅開發方面,公司已開發了超過 130 個住宅和公寓項目,截至 2023 年第一季度,其總價值超過1975.81億泰銖,當中涵蓋了所有客戶群體。在各大品牌下,如Park Origin、So Origin、Origin Plug & Play、Knightsbridge、Notting Hill、Origin Place、The Origin、Kensington、Hampton、Origin Play、Brixton 和 Britania 等,公司提供多樣化的物業選擇,滿足客戶的各種需求。

    關於 Ashton Hawks

    Ashton Hawks 將帶您走進前所未有之生活享受。從南北半球,東西海岸,世界各地搜羅最具投資潛力的房地產。Ashton Hawks 是由一群擁有多年經驗的資深銀行家及專業投資顧問所創立和帶領。辦公室總辦事處位於香港及泰國曼谷。我們的專業團隊會為你提供一站式買賣海外及本地物業以至租賃服務,使你投資無後顧之憂。


    Ashton Hawks市場部

    Tel: (852) 2155 4421/5226 1138



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      清邁THE BASE Height|少量海外配額 本月11至12日香港率先獨家預售


      海外物業市場投資機遇首選 泰國北部  清邁市中心

      泰國領先地產發展商SANSIRI 隆重推出 THE BASE Height Chiang Mai

      海外物業市場投資機遇首選 迎外國人旅居投資需求

      少量海外配額 本月11至12日 香港率先 獨家預售

      (香港 – 2023 年st 3 月 01日)泰國為東南亞最大經濟體之一,經濟規模逾五千億港元,超越香港。清邁市是全球最受歡迎旅遊目的地之一,除了是泰國北部政治、經濟及文化中心,亦是多姿多彩的藝術、生活品味、歷史和文化之城;加上近年其經濟發展迅速,生活優質且成本相宜,故深受外國及本地人青睞,帶動當地物業需求急升。為回應當地急升的居住需求,泰國最具信譽、涵蓋全方位服務、以及在過往十年穩佔國際市場銷售量榜首位置的 泰國 龍頭發展商SANSIRI宣布與 Ashton Hawks合作,攜手推出鄰近Central Festival Mall僅3分鐘步程的尊貴輕奢住宅THE BASE Height Chiang Mai,發展商首個於清邁建設的具永久業權 、坐擁城市美景的高樓住宅項目。 限量 海外配額全數於 3月 11 至 12* 銅鑼灣柏寧酒店* 27樓的展銷會獨家 預售 ,樓價由55萬港元起。


      理想第二家園 清邁成家庭、「遊牧數碼族」及泰國人度假生活首選 

      清邁擁有獨特自然風光,同時具有大城市的生活便利,近年成為不少家庭、情侶及遊牧數碼族(Digital Nomads)的移民或旅居首選。在過去兩年,泰國政府針外國人推出利好政策,針對資產超過一百萬美元,或是年收入超過八萬美元的個人提供十年的居住VISA,同時可享各種額外優惠,以吸引更多外國人選擇清邁為第二家園。清邁物價低廉卻可享優質生活,生活成本只是香港的五分之一,而且兼具城市建設及毗鄰多個大自然及歷史文化景觀,包括風格各異的佛家寺廟,特別適合現今追求生活與工作平衡的趨勢。隨著清邁交通網絡配套漸趨完善,其清邁市LRT 輕鐵路及子彈火車項目預期將於未來數年峻工,為當地帶來更方便快捷的交通網絡。當地氣候怡人,是全泰國最清爽舒適的地區,而清邁的安全指數在全球數百個城市之中排名前十三,可見是一個宜居宜旅的地方。

      清邁除了吸引外國人,亦是當地市民的首選居住地,每年吸引不少佛教信眾前往清邁的寺廟,2018年錄得達7百多萬泰國本土旅客。前往清邁的交通十分便利,可透過內陸機、火車、夜間長途巴士等四通八達至國內地區,從曼谷往清邁最快只需一小時20分鐘。 清邁的寺廟遍布整個城市,包括擁有1300年歷史並最受當地人歡迎的來康佛寺(Wat Phra That Doi Kham)、 象徵整個清邁及廣受旅客喜愛的素帖寺(Doi Suthep),以及清邁古城內的契迪龍寺 (Wat Chedi Luang) 等。

      疫後旅客量回升 推動經濟全面復甦

      隨著疫情放緩,各國旅遊限制逐步放寬,泰國於2022年旅客量回復至疫情前的四分之一。旅遊業是泰國第一大GDP來源,佔全國GDP的25%。Asia Bankers Club 執行董事Kelvin Wu指出:「泰國在疫情前每年的旅客量達4千萬,單是清邁已有每年127萬遊客量,預期2023年泰國的旅遊業將大幅度復甦,全年可吸引至少2千5百萬位旅客,穩守其東南亞旅遊度假天堂的地位,令經濟發展重上高峰。」

      新興物業市場回報高 清邁成旅居投資天堂

      作為泰國第二大城市,清邁是泰國其中一個發展最急速的房地產市場,既是全球數一數二的旅遊勝地,亦是多達三萬遊牧數/碼族的聚居地。清邁市中心的同類型樓型供應不多,故此新項目有價有市。隨著越來越多Digital Nomads選擇旅居於清邁,具質素及完整配套的公寓需求增多, THE BASE Height Chiang Mai將為 清邁 市中心帶來高質素的住屋選擇。香港物業市場漸趨飽和,投資者早放眼國際。Ashton Hawks 執行董事及合夥人何國龍指出,本港單位租賃回報率已由2000年的3.5%降至今天的2%,故此投資者轉向尋求更高回報率的投資項目如新興物業市場,「泰國及越南等亞洲地區經濟發展迅速,預期租賃回報可達5-6%,甚至更高,冠絕現今環球市場。我相信海外物業絕對是投資大趨勢。近年清邁是泰國其中一個發展最急速的市場,因此不少香港投資者已緊握良機,投資如清邁此類新興的物業市場,特別是購自信譽良好、兼具國際及泰國市場多年項目發展經驗及設有優越售後服務的發展商,就如SANIRI Plc.,安心以較低的資金門檻,獲得相對香港本地市場的雙倍回報。」 由於THE BASE Height - Chiang Mai位於鄰近Central Festival Mall的黃金地段,項目預期租賃回報可達7%*,遠高於城中其他物業的回報率。

      大型基建落成 利好清邁物業投資市場


      罕有獨特住宅供應 便利及質素兼享

      THE BASE Height Chiang Mai 樓盤由泰國最具信譽、設全方位服務、以及在過往十年位列國際市場銷售榜首的地產發展商SANSIRI Plc. 隆重推出。項目為清邁市中心罕見高樓住宅,高層眺望整個清邁市中心,更享180度無邊際煙花景觀。而且選址優越,僅5分鐘步程達清邁最大商場 Central Festival Walk、5分鐘車程達清邁火車站、20分鐘車程至清邁國際機場。對於喜愛多姿多彩生活娛樂的住戶,更可駕駛20分鐘前往當地天然溫泉勝地、35分鐘到達高爾夫球渡假村,可謂集生活所需、娛樂及歷史文化景點於一地。加上清邁輕軌鐵路LRT、子彈火車等大型基建陸續落成,將進一步為區內帶來便利交通網絡。 項目共提供630 個單位,面積由29.25 平方米至 56.5平方米,主攻一至兩房小型家庭戶,預計每年平均租賃回報達 7%*。是次海外配額有限,設有80個單位將於香港獨家推出作預售, 海外買家更享永久物業權,訂價由 55萬港元起。

      Ashton Hawks 獨家推出泰國清邁城中尊貴時尚單棟住宅* THE BASE Height Chiang Mai* 。香港預售會及泰國清邁投資講座將於 登記講座 假香港銅鑼灣栢寧酒店 27 樓舉行。

      A關於 SANSIRI S關於 SANSIRI(泰國尚思瑞房地產公司)

      擁有超過39年經驗,尚思瑞是泰國最值得信賴的全方位服務房地產發展商,旗下擁有4000多名員工。尚思瑞先後在泰國各地建造了400餘個項目,總面積多達500 萬平方米,並在倫敦擁有住宅項目,所有項目均非常注重設計感和宜居性。 與此同時,尚思瑞還提供超越傳統發展商、兼顧到各方面的優質服務,涵蓋尊貴經濟住宅及豪華住宅等不同類型的市場需求,包括禮賓服務、物業管理、銷售經紀和長期度假租賃等等。 尚思瑞始終致力於建造更好的生活,而不僅僅是建築項目,通過其創新的產品、售後和禮賓服務,尚思瑞為住戶提供的不僅僅是一個家,而是為他們呈現一種「更美好的生活方式」。 尚思瑞在泰國被公認是獨棟別墅、連棟別墅和公寓大樓的領先建商。尚思瑞不斷地致力於提升住戶的生活品質,打造精心設計和優質住宅。尚思瑞也是全泰國唯一提供全方位服務的物業開發商,遙遙領先其他開發商。尚思瑞旗下的企業Plus Property、Quintessentially,提供國際精英會禮賓服務和假期租賃服務,充分照顧客戶的一切需求。

      關於 Ashton Hawks

      Ashton Hawks 將帶您走進前所未有之生活享受。從南北半球,東西海岸,世界各地搜羅最具投資潛力的房地產。Ashton Hawks 是由一群擁有多年經驗的資深銀行家及專業投資顧問所創立和帶領。辦公室總辦事處位於香港及泰國曼谷。我們的專業團隊會為你提供一站式買賣海外及本地物業以至租賃服務,使你投資無後顧之憂。



      Ashton Hawks市場部

      Tel: (852) 2155 4421/5226 1138



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        推出 Waterina Suites - 胡志明市第二郡豪華日本公寓

        HCMC Property Market Prices Growing by Leaps and Bounds

        (27 July 2018, Hong Kong)

        US-China Trade War – How Vietnam can benefit?

        With President Donald Trump’s recent proposal of imposing heavy tariffs to 200 types of Chinese goods, the US-China trade war has kicked off. Heavy trade tariffs on goods of both countries’ exports are imposed. Vietnam, which is not embroiled in the conflict, is foreseen to be a potential beneficiary between the rival of the two super powers.

        In the past decade, factory wages and other costs have risen in China at a rapid pace, as a result, corporations have turned to developing Southeast Asia countries such as Vietnam for investment. Foreign investors in particularly big corporations such as Samsung and Apple have shifted their manufacturing factories to Vietnam as it becomes a lower-cost destination for investors. With the US-China trade war, it accelerates an existing trend of foreign business veering away from China and entering Vietnam, so as to avoid the high tariffs for “Made in China” goods.

        The General Statistics Office of Vietnam revealed that Vietnam has attracted a total of USD20.33 billion worth of foreign direct investments in the first half of 2018 with manufacturing and post-production industries attracted the highest number of foreign direct investments, totaling to USD7.91 billion. The FDI sector accounts for approximately 70% of the country’s export turnover, equivalent to 22% of GDP. Due to the increase in Vietnamese exports with the US-China trade war, an increase in labour demand will be triggered, acting as the key driver to output (GDP) and employment growth. All these factors gave rise to a booming economy, fueling rapid property market growth in the country.

        Waterina Suites – Highest Standard Residential Building in Vietnam

        Waterina Suites is a joint venture property development by the world-class developer Maeda Corporation (Japan) and Thien Duc Company. Nestled at the heart of District 2 which is known as the city’s expatriate area, Waterina Suites is situated at an unbeatable location which is prioritized among investors. District 2 is only minutes away to the heart of the city by Thu Thiem Tunnel and the upcoming Thu Thiem Bridge, comparable to the West Kowloon district in Hong Kong. An array of amenities is available only minutes away – renowned international schools, the “SOHO” area of HCMC, restaurants, bars, luxury hotels, supermarkets, malls and cinemas, which is a convergence of convenience and luxury.

        Designed by the world-famous Mr. Kengo Kuma who also is lead architect of New National Stadium – Japan, Waterina Suites is a work of art created by a master. Set to become one of Ho Chi Minh City’s future landmarks, its elegant overlapping curved design is inspired by the organic curve of the Saigon River and the layers of terraced paddy fields in highlands of Vietnam with the units offering spectacular views over Saigon River with surrounding landscaped gardens.

        Waterina Suites stands at 25-storeys high with a podium composing of 98 luxurious suites of penthouse, duplex and single floor units that comes complete with its very own car park, swimming pool, spa and business centre. It offers a wide range of state-of-the-art facilities including its magnificent infinity swimming pool overlooking Saigon River, business centre, bar, library and restaurant for residents to indulge in a luxury lifestyle. As one of Maeda Corporation’s key projects in Vietnam, Waterina Suites are constructed according to Japanese standards. The best materials and construction methods are used – kitchen ventilation systems, elastic paint at outer wall to increase cracking resistance, concrete wall to avoid water leakage and sound insulation and waterproofing for roof slab. As an award-winning developer, Maeda Thien Duc strives to provide residents the best living experience in this highest standard residential building in Vietnam. It is expected to be completed by Q3 2019.

        Unparalleled Infrastructure in HCMC District 2

        The metro system under construction in HCMC District 2 is believed to further accelerate land and property prices. Six metro lines have been planned and two of which, Metro Line No. 1 and Metro Line No. 2 are expected to be in service in 2020, serving around 160,000 passengers daily. Projects around the upcoming metro lines are currently selling at a few percent premium, compared with the prices of those with similar facilities in other parts of the city. When the metro lines run in 2020, it is expected the gap would be widened by 10 to 20 percent. The centre of District 2 are key areas surrounding the upcoming metro stations, in which property development boom have been recorded with an average growth of more than 30% in the last few years, outperforming other districts in HCMC.

        Leading developer of Waterina Suites – Maeda Corporation

        Headquartered in Japan and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Maeda Corporation is one of the largest and long-standing corporations in civil, industrial & infrastructure construction of Japan. Established in 1919, Maeda Corporation has global presence with branches in 15 countries in the world. Its key projects in Japan include The Tokyo Towers, Tennoz Central Tower, Fukuoka Dome, Tagokura Dam, Seto Ohashi Bridge and Tokyo Bay Aqua Line etc.

        Maeda Corporation is the general contractor of major projects in Hong Kong such as the Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong Stonecutter Bridge, Tsing Yi MTR Station and West Kowloon Expressway. As the contractor of the HCMC’s Ben Thanh – Suoi Tien metro line station, Maeda Corporation also has planted its roots in Vietnam with over 25 years of presence, using modern technology in Vietnam with Japanese quality.

        Maeda Corporation has formed a joint venture with Thien Duc Company to develop the renowned Waterina Suites. Thien Duc Company belongs to Long Thanh Golf Company, specializing in real estate development, hospitality and green energy.

        Dr. Tetsuo Kida, Representative of Maeda Corporation, General Director of Maeda Thien Duc company, said: “Waterina Suites is like no other, it is the perfect choice for the ultra-affluent. We designed this magnificent condominium to provide our residents with an unexceptional experience especially for Japanese expats living in the city. As one of the most respected and highly sought brands in the luxury property market, we endeavor to uphold our standard of excellence in all our property projects. With the significant increase in demand for luxury properties in Ho Chi Minh City, and our future plans is to continue in constructing distinctive properties with the highest Japanese standards in Vietnam.”

        Mr. Kingston Lai, Managing Director of Ashton Hawks, added that, “Vietnam’s property market can be benefited from the positive effects that the US-China trade war. As a competitor of China as the “world factory”, it is expected that an increasing number of factories will be moved to Vietnam as “Made in Vietnam” products can avoid the heavy tariffs when it is imported to the United States especially on agricultural and industrial goods. It is expected that Vietnamese exports to China and United States will increase followed by an increase in GDP. The rise in GDP capita shall increase the purchasing power of the Vietnamese, thus demand in the housing market. It can be foreseen that there will be more local aggregate demand in the Vietnamese property market after the US-China trade war.”

        Mr. Terence Chan, Managing Director of Ashton Hawks states that “With the increase in Vietnam’s FDI and the start of the US-China trade war, more people are moving to Vietnam to do business or open factories, greatly boosting the number of expats living in Vietnam. As they are primarily entrepreneurs or professionals, their choice of abode will be in the more affluent neighborhoods. Waterina Suites is perfectly located at District 2, one of the most sought after residential areas among the expatriate community. Its lush environment is extremely attractive to affluent foreigners and locals, with luxury villas prevalent in the area. The increase in expats shall increase the foreign demand for Vietnamese property market and rental housing – a favourable factor to higher property market prices and rental yields in the future.”

        The launch of Waterina Suites will take place on 4-5 August 2018 in The Park Lane Hong Kong (26/F, 310 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay).

        Ashton Hawks
        Cherry Chan
        PR & Branding Vice President
        Tel: (852) 2912 0960

        關於 Ashton Hawks
        Ashton Hawks was established by a group of renowned investment gurus and private collectors who laid the very foundation of the discerning Ashton Hawks, balancing luxury leisure lifestyle and investment. Our headquarter office is located in Hong Kong, with overseas branches in Bangkok and Vietnam. Ashton Hawks’ real estate portfolio is as diverse in style as it is in mega-estate location across the globe and caters to luxury style of all kinds.

        For more information, please visit us at


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          越南胡志明市全新大型綜合式河畔府邸Grand Marina, Saigon


          越南胡志明市全新大型綜合式河畔府邸Grand Marina, Saigon

          此項由Masterise Homes開發、為全球最具規模品牌住宅項目將率先在港公開發售

          (香港 – 2021年3月16日)

          Grand Marina, Saigon為萬豪國際集團管理的全球最具規模品牌住宅項目,亦是越南這充滿活力的房地產市場首個品牌住宅。坐落於胡志明市鑽石級地段之全新標誌性項目,現正由Ashton Hawks在香港公開發售。

          Masterise Homes發展之萬豪國際品牌住宅Grand Marina, Saigon坐落於胡志明市第1郡西貢河北岸的一片大型土地。此佔地10公頃的大型開發項目集合奢華住宅、寫字樓、商業地產及長達850米海濱長廊於一身,這將為胡志明市經濟及社區發展帶來一股新動力,吸引環球企業及高淨值人士注目。

          Masterise Homes首個最具規模品牌住宅項目Grand Marina, Saigon,8幢河畔住宅樓宇四周環繞著優美的公園廣場,同時享受到萬豪所提供之優質生活體驗及時尚生活,為越南奢華優質生活重新定義。

          坐落胡志明市第1郡標誌性地區的Grand Marina, Saigon,除享有無與倫比的河畔環境優勢外,物業與優質學府、餐廳食肆、購物地帶及未來地鐵站均咫尺之隔,文化及商業娛樂匯聚,交通便捷,全面滿足到中產及富裕人士對優質生活的喜好需求。

          Grand Marina, Saigon為越南首個酒店品牌概念住宅,無論在設施、服務抑或生活方式質素均經過度身定造,匠心獨運的設計,加上獲著名國際酒店集團所支持,令這優質項目能夠匯聚生活品味與富裕人口。

          品牌住宅項目的特色是除了提供優質生活外,在經濟不確定時,此概念式住宅在市場上仍存在靈活性及價值。而坐落於胡志明市最理想地段的Grand Marina, Saigon,既享受西貢河遼闊美景,同時所提供之優質設施服務,正符合富裕人口的生活需求。目前越南中產及富豪人口不斷增加,對優質住宅需求持續高漲,加上區內新供應十分緊絀,在供不應求下,意味此類品牌住宅將突顯其獨特價值。

          Masterise Homes副總裁兼首席財務官Jason Turnbull先生說:「Masterise Homes一直以來以打造無可挑剔且具價值的房地產項目而感到自豪。每個項目不單單是純開發之房地產項目,而是能夠一代接一代傳承下去的珍貴物業。可媲美寶石的Grand Marina, Saigon就是在這一宗旨和願景下誕生,為越南首個以萬豪酒店為品牌概念之住宅項目,此坐落於河岸之歷史性地標Bason,將成為越南新地標及全球其中一標誌性項目,將這獨特的項目引入香港市場教我們引以自豪。」

          Ashton Hawks創辦人及首席執行官賴遠方先生表示:「在強勁經貿發展下,香港人對於越南房地產市場已有一定認識及充滿信心。我們認為,品牌住宅絕對經得起市場挑戰考驗,隨著時間及環境變化仍能保持其真實的價值。Ashton Hawks很高興與Masterise Homes攜手合作,能夠將Grand Marina, Saigon這尊貴府邸率先引入香港市場,這是一個難得的機遇,項目全然將奢華生活推向極致,是高淨值人士對優質生活及資產價值的定義。」

          Ashton Hawks將於3月27及 28日在香港萬豪酒店舉辦專題講座介紹Grand Marina, Saigon。屆時將全面講解越南豪宅市場增長為品牌住宅帶來之影響力。

          – 完 –

          關於 Masterise Homes
          Masterise Homes隸屬越南大型企業Masterise Group,該公司負責開發及管理其母公司旗下所有房地產項目。Masterise Homes秉承「以客為本」宗旨理念,堅持不懈發展世界級標準項目,並致力為所有產品服務提供超卓水準及質量,務求為客戶提供最卓越的生活體驗,為越南市場社區作出貢獻,並促進可持續發展。


          品牌住宅概念的始創者可追溯到1920年代,紐約第五大道的Sherry-Netherland Hotel酒店將酒店式服務融入服務式住宅並獲得相當的銷售成績。自此以後,隨著全球流動性高淨值人口不斷增加及熱烈支持下,品牌住宅在環球市場亦跟隨大市變得愈來愈受歡迎。

          據第一太平戴維斯2019年環球研究報告顯示,全球擁有超過420個品牌住宅項目,而萬豪國際集團是品牌住宅市場領域中全球最大參與者。該集團旗下持有100個品牌住宅橫跨25個國家及地區,是集團在其全球四大焦點運營項目其中之一。集團在其30個領先酒店企業中的15個品牌作開展其品牌住宅項目,目前由萬豪(Marriott)、JW萬豪(JW Marriott)、麗思卡爾頓(Ritz-Carlton),瑞吉(St. Regis)及W酒店所運營的有關項目約佔近70%。萬豪國際之品牌業務十分廣泛,意味由該集團所發展之項目不受地方及發展類型所限,於紐約、上海或曼谷開拓之品牌住宅仍能將展示與越南品牌住宅之同一樣的卓越水準。


          關於 Ashton Hawks

          Ashton Hawks將帶您走進前所未有之生活享受。從南北半球,東西海岸,世界各地搜羅最具投資潛力的房地產。Ashton Hawks是由一群擁有多年經驗的資深銀行家及專業投資顧問所創立和帶領。辦公室總辦事處位於香港及泰國曼谷。我們的專業團隊會為你提供一站式買賣海外及本地物業以至租賃服務,使你投資無後顧之憂。


          Ashton Hawks
          電話: (852) 2155 4421


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            【EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH】 DE LA SOL Phase 2 Cello Tower

            新聞稿 [供即時刊登]

            Hottest project in HCMC – Phase 1 sold out within days previously

            (28 November 2018, Hong Kong)

            Vietnam – Key Winner of U.S.-China Trade War
            Amidst the U.S.-China trade war, Vietnam’s exports have surged 15.2% y-o-y, which amounted to over USD202 billion for the first ten months of 2018. According to a survey from U.S. and Chinese companies, Vietnam has emerged as a key winner in the trade war, with companies moving production to Vietnam to escape tariffs. Goertek, the Chinese manufacturer of Apple’s Airpods, have confirmed plans to shift their production lines from China to Vietnam as the trade war continued to escalate. Other multinational corporations and chains such as Amazon, Mazda, Mandarin Oriental, H&M and Zara have kicked off their expansion plans in this booming country in 2018.

            Reports from the World Bank affirmed that the forecast of Vietnam’s GDP growth shall reach the target of 6.5-6.7% in 2019. Future development plans in Vietnam are likely to accelerate its thriving economy. Construction on its biggest airport – the Long Thanh International Airport shall commence in 2020 and target to operate in 2025. Situated at 40km east of HCMC, the Long Thanh International Airport is expected to overtake the current airport with an annual capacity of 100 million passengers. With Vietnam becoming a dynamic country and an attractive investment destination, the award-winning developer CapitaLand seized the opportunity to launch the exquisite De La Sol Phase 2 Cello Tower

            .De La Sol Phase 2 (Cello Tower) – Hottest Project in HCMC
            With the foreign quota of Phase 1 sold out within days previously, De La Sol Phase 2 – Cello Tower is a luxury condominium in HCMC by the prestigious developer CapitaLand. De La Sol, with the luxury and privacy it offers, is conveniently situated in the bustling locality of District 4 with proximity to the city’s central business district (District 1), situated at a 5-minute drive away.

            One can easily access Districts 1, 2, 5 and 7 and their many tourist attractions and nightlife venues as well as offices, conference halls, schools and shopping centers. De La Sol’s Cello Tower is a 204-unit condominium standing at 21-storeys high and offering 2-bedroom units with the highest standards. With its dynamic theme of music, residents can enjoy its active facilities and Instagram-worthy surroundings including a magnificent 50-metre pool, sky theatre, co-working space, cinema room, games room, car park, and security services, creating the perfect experience for residents to immerse in a young and vibrant lifestyle. Prices starts at HKD1.77M with 8% p.a. projected rental yield. It is expected to be completed by Q4 2020.

            Award-winning International Developer – CapitaLand
            Headquartered and listed in Singapore, CapitaLand is one of Asia’s largest real estate companies with presence in around 150 cities across 27 countries. It is widely recognized as the leading and long-standing corporation in Singapore, winning for the 2nd consecutive year in the Euromoney Real Estate Survey 2018. Its real estate expertise is broadly diversified with its businesses in 4 key sectors – residential, office, shopping malls and serviced residences. The company is approximately 40% owned by the Singapore Government through Temasek.As one of the most respected and highly sought-after developers in Vietnam’s property market, CapitaLand has planted its roots in Vietnam with over 24 years of presence, with 13 residential projects and 22 serviced apartments launched over the years. Its acclaimed projects include De La Sol (Phase 1, Alto Tower), The Vista, Vista Verde, Feliz en Vista, D2eight, d’Edge and D1MENSION. CapitaLand’s proven track record soundly convinces property investors with its standard of excellence and professional expertise in real estate projects and services.

            Ms. Michele Cheng, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks, said: “Riding on the success of Phase 1, CapitaLand is introducing De La Sol Phase 2 – Cello Tower in HCMC’s District 4. De La Sol is the first international development in District 4 of Ho Chi Minh City, adjacent to the traditional CBD in District 1. Its close proximity to District 1 but significantly lower prices are appealing to investors. District 4 is one of the most sought-after districts as seen by co-working provider WeWork moving into Etown in District 4 and the overflow of developments from District 1 to District 4 has made it promising for developers investing in District 4. The gentrification of this district is a positive sign for the housing prices. Vietnam’s economic success is largely reflected in the skyline of HCMC’s CBD in District 1, which is expanding upwards as well as outwards. Currently, land costs in District 4 are only 1/4 of comparable land in District 1. District 4 is easily accessible by vehicular bridges and positioned to be HCMC’s CBD Lite, it is one of the fastest growing districts in the city, hosting ongoing projects including a massive Riverfront development plan. HCMC’s economic success will continue as the city welcomes businesses and FDI into the city through a multi-billion-US-dollar Long Thanh International Airport, constructed to be Vietnam’s largest and most iconic airport. As HCMC’s economic boom continues, the property market will hold strong. Developing districts like District 4 now holds an immense development and investment prospect.

            Mr. Frederick Ho, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks commented: “Boosted by the escalating trade war between U.S. and China, producers have diversified their supply chains to Vietnam due to its low labour costs and modernized factories. Furthermore, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has enabled Vietnam to gain duty-free access to the EU market, further boosting FDI and export driven growth. The anticipated increase in FDI is expected to stimulate a further expansion of different industries and increase productivity in various sectors. Besides, the number of expats in Vietnam has surged as multinational corporations has established offices in the country. According to a HSBC survey, Vietnam ranks 19th in the best countries for expats globally, in terms of opportunities and quality of life. It can be foreseen that this trend shall continue to accelerate at a promising rate, elevating the already strong demand of rental properties in Vietnam and further boosting its property market.”The launch of De La Sol Phase 2 (Cello Tower) will take place on 8-9 December 2018 in The Park Lane Hong Kong (27/F, 310 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay).

            關於 Ashton Hawks
            Ashton Hawks was established by a group of renowned investment gurus and private collectors who laid the very foundation of the discerning Ashton Hawks, balancing luxury leisure lifestyle and investment. Our headquarter office is located in Hong Kong, with overseas branches in Bangkok and Vietnam. Ashton Hawks’ real estate portfolio is as diverse in style as it is in mega-estate location across the globe and caters to luxury style of all


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              125 Greenwich – Residential skyscraper in Manhattan’s financial district

              新聞稿 [供即時刊登]

              125 Greenwich – Residential skyscraper in Manhattan’s financial district

              (2 November 2018, Hong Kong)

              The U.S. economy has expanded at its fastest pace in 4 years in Q2 2018. The benchmark S&P 500 Equity Index has hit a record closing high in January 2018, symbolizing the swift recovery and remarkable performance of U.S. equities, which in turn boosts consumption and investment.

              Fueled by U.S. economic strength and Federal Reserve raising interest rates, USD has maintained an upward momentum lately, surging 6% since February this year against other major currencies in the world and maintaining stable growth in the past decade. The strong USD has pushed investors to seek out the currency as a safe haven asset.

              With the U.S. recommencing its economic growth, the renowned developer Bizzi & Partners Development grabbed the golden opportunity to launch a spectacular new property project in New York – 125 Greenwich in the heart of Manhattan.

              125 Greenwich – Living in a masterpiece

              Designed by world-renowned architect Rafael Viñoly, 125 Greenwich stands at 88-storeys high and offers 273 residences ranging from studios to three-bedroom and penthouse residences. Net sizes range from 418 – 3,018 square feet, with prices starting from HKD9.4M (USD1.2M).

              Investors can expect a rewarding rental yield of 4% per annum with up to 70% financing. It offers future residents an exclusive chance to see the city from a new perspective and enjoy a pampered and lavish lifestyle – 15,000 square-foot amenities including sophisticated concierge services, sky pool with panoramic views of the bustling city, theater, private dining, sky lounge, spa & sauna and gym etc. It is expected to be completed by Q4 2019.

              Nestled at Manhattan’s financial district, 125 Greenwich is the neighbor to a cluster of soaring skyscrapers such as One World Trade Center, which is comparable to “Central” in Hong Kong. The area comprises of offices and headquarters of multinational corporations and major financial institutions, including the New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street and the Federal Hall.

              125 Greenwich offers residents a unique opportunity to experience life in the most sought-after locations and communities. Residents can discover the electric vibrancy of Manhattan downtown at this lively intersection of business and leisure – with the dynamic dining scene, luxury retails, architecture and proximity to Central Park. Its unrivalled location allows easy access to subways, ferries and other public transportation.

              Internationally renowned developer – Bizzi & Partners Development

              The pristine 125 Greenwich is the creation of the acclaimed U.S. developer Bizzi & Partners Development.

              With offices in Milan, New York, San Paolo and Tallinn, Bizzi & Partners Development is a global high end real estate developer focused on the development of premier commercial and residential properties in Europe and the Americas. Founded in 2000, it is led by an executive team with decades of experience in real estate development, including the acquisition, financing, construction and renovation of a wide array of property types.

              As one of the most respected and highly sought developer in the U.S. property market, the firm has an expansive portfolio of avant-garde and acclaimed projects. The firm’s current projects include Milanosesto: a 10 million square foot mixed-use project in Milan, and two additional collaborations with Pritzker Prize-winning architect Renzo Piano on Eighty Seven Park in Miami Beach and 565 Broome in New York’s SoHo neighborhood. Previous New York projects include the distinguished 400th Avenue and the Leonard in Tribeca.

              Mr. Davide Bizzi, CEO of Bizzi & Partners Development said, “With the opening of a vast array of high-end restaurants and retail outlets in Manhattan’s financial district, this neighborhood has become one of the most desirable places to live and work. We capitalized on this golden opportunity and create this truly unmissable investment by acquiring the property at 125 Greenwich Street. By hiring the world-renowned Rafael Viñoly to redesign the building, we are confident that 125 Greenwich shall be an iconic skyscraper in the heart of New York and be popular among local and foreign investors as it is expected the redevelopment of the financial district will continue for another 10-15 years.”

              Mr. Kingston Lai, Founder and CEO of Asia Bankers Club, added that, “Since the 9/11 attack in 2001, Lower Manhattan has seen a tremendous growth in residential population nearly tripling the number since the attack. More schools have been built and commercial buildings are being converted to residential condos. Once known as the neighborhood shuttered at nights and weekends, it has now been replaced by new residential buildings, more tourist attractions, and growth of high-end retails and restaurants. The future of residential population growth is tremendous in the lower Manhattan neighborhood.”

              Mr. Terence Chan, Managing Director of Golden Emperor Properties states that, “125 Greenwich is nestled in the most impeccable location in New York’s financial district, in between the redevelopment around One World Trade Center and the traditional finance hub of Wall Street. The district now hosts a high-end luxury lifestyle most suited for its finance professionals amongst international firms like Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and J.P. Morgan. Moreover, property price in Manhattan has remained steady within the last decade, increasing by only 50% with properties sold within an average of 100 days. Its rental market also shows excelling performance, with a low vacancy rate at 1.58% and properties renting out within 1 month. As a slow-rising property market in the USA under a steady economy with a revolutionary redevelopment plan, New York presents unique investment opportunities. The city’s strong tenant market, coupled with a high market liquidity on a global scale, are compelling reasons to invest into New York’s property market now.”

              Ms. Michele Cheng, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks said: “The current real estate prices in New York are of good value as it is lagging behind other major cities. According to UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index, New York has a very low risk of real estate bubble burst compared to major world cities such as Hong Kong, Munich, Toronto and London. Prices of Manhattan’s properties has much upside potential as it has only risen by 70% in the past 10 years. The foreign investment in the U.S. luxury residential real estate market has also hit a record by reaching USD7.48 billion with Manhattan as one of the key locations for wealth preservation for the ultra-affluent.”

              Mr. Frederick Ho, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks commented, “Real estate in Manhattan’s financial district has also been a popular choice with occupancy rate over 98% in its rental market as demand for housing for locals and expats is huge. In terms of sales volume, condos in the financial district is one of the best performing districts within Manhattan. All in all, 125 Greenwich is the perfect choice for investors who wish to have a stable rental yield and capital gain of their property investment.”

              The launch of 125 Greenwich in Hong Kong will take place on 10-11 November 2018 at The Park Lane Hong Kong (27/F, 310 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay).


              Ashton Hawks
              Cherry Chan

              PR & Branding Vice President
              Tel: (852) 2912 0960

              Golden Emperor Properties (HK) Ltd.
              Christina Cheng

              PR & Marketing Director
              Tel: (852) 2912 0920

              Asia Bankers Club
              Damian Sung

              Associate Director
              Tel: (852) 3998 3001

              關於 Ashton Hawks
              Ashton Hawks was established by a group of renowned investment gurus and private collectors who laid the very foundation of the discerning Ashton Hawks, balancing luxury leisure lifestyle and investment. Our headquarter office is located in Hong Kong, with overseas branches in Bangkok and Vietnam. Ashton Hawks’ real estate portfolio is as diverse in style as it is in mega-estate location across the globe and caters to luxury style of all kinds.

              About Golden Emperor Properties (Hong Kong) Limited
              Golden Emperor Properties (HK) Limited is a Hong Kong-based company that offers international properties to clients in Hong Kong and globally. The company works with property developers from Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Europe and many others. The company has a team of dedicated sales agents that can provide consultancy and information on relevant transaction-related topics such as taxation, sales & purchase procedures, payment schedules, and many other.

              About Asia Bankers Club
              The Asia Bankers Club is an investment club for banking and finance professionals in Asia. With a member base of over 50,000, the Asia Bankers Club organises events for its members and provides physical assets for investments, such as properties, fine wines, art, timepieces, and collectibles. Our members are from top tier investment, private and consumer banks, asset management companies, private equity firms, hedge funds, and sovereign wealth funds primarily located in key financial centers.


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                ParkCity Hanoi – The Mansions To be Launched Exclusively in Hong Kong: A One-of-A-Kind Investment in the Midst of Hanoi’s Soaring Economy


                ParkCity Hanoi – The Mansions To be Launched Exclusively in Hong KongA One-of-A-Kind Investment in the Midst of Hanoi’s Soaring Economy

                (April 6th, Hong Kong) Ashton Hawks will be partnering with Malaysia’s renowned developer, ParkCity to launch ParkCity Hanoi- The Mansions, a collection of 3 and 4-storey landed properties within Hanoi’s first prestigious township development, with prices starting from only HKD 5M at an average of HKD 1,600 per square foot. Landed properties are highly demanded even among local investors and with limited foreign ownership availability restricted by the government, this residential oasis is a rarity of its kind for overseas investors.


                Vietnam has attracted much attention of overseas investors in the South East Asia property market as it flourishes under a strong economic trajectory and the Vietnamese government has implemented a series of reformation strategies to accommodate its soaring economic growth. The country’s outperforming GDP in Q1 of 2018 increased to 7.38% from 6.81% at the end of 2017. As the capital city, Hanoi’s property market is predicted to escalate as the city transforms into a businesses hub in the ASEAN region and benefits from China’s the ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative.


                The country’s opening up to foreign property ownership has created much excitement for investors since 2015. Hanoi especially thrives under the spotlight as a core for businesses, trades and manufacturing. Its strong economic growth has attracted an influx of overseas capital injection which indirectly prospered a market boom. “Landed properties in prime location are highly demanded among local investors as land is limited in supply. Moreover, the number of units owned by foreigners must not exceed 250 landed property units in one particular administrative ward” said Mrs. Michele Cheng, Director of Ashton Hawks. With regards to her insight, “ParkCity Hanoi – The Mansions is the first landed property to offer a 10% foreign ownership which makes it a rarity among affluent residences in the city.”


                ParkCity Hanoi – The Mansions, is developed by Malaysia’s renowned ParkCity, a subsidiary of the long-history global corporation, Samling Group. This distinctive property is nestled in the center of Ha Dong and is the first township development in Hanoi providing easy access to the newest CBD of Nam Tu Liem, manufacturing district of Bac Ninh through Ring Road 3 and the traditional CBD Hoàn Kiếm. The nearest BRT station, completed in 2016, is a one-minutes’ walk from the gated entrance. Besides its very own ParkCity Mall targeted to be completed bu end 2019, and international school, the township is surrounded by educational institutions like Hanoi University, Hanoi Architectural University and Japanese International School. Aeon Mall, to be completed in 2019, is reachable with a 5-minutes’ drive which will be able to satisfy the lifestyle and entertainment needs of its residents.


                The Mansions, to be completed in Q1 to Q2 in 2020, is a gated community that offers 3- and 4- storey landed properties at sizes ranging from 3,524 to 5,216 square feet with a starting price of HK $1,600 per square foot.  Residents of The Mansions can enjoy its exclusive private clubhouse as well as ParkCity Hanoi Club’s lavish amenities like its lap and kids pool, BBQ garden, gymnasium, meandering gardens and a multipurpose hall. This residential oasis offers 24-hour gated security, promising a private and distinctive living space.


                The upscale ParkCity Hanoi – the Mansions, is well perceived by Ashton Hawk’s Director, Mr. Fred Ho, “it sits at a prime location and will be able to attract the city’s distinctive professionals, including a community of embassy elites.” The government of Hanoi has supported large-scale infrastructure projects including the expansion of Noi Bai International Airport, a new CBD development at Nam Tu Liem and the network of an MRT system to be completed in 2019. The nearest MRT station to The Mansions will only be a 15-minute walk and the new CBD Nam Tu Liem is only 6 stations away. Mr. Ho continues, “as the economy prospers in Hanoi, the city’s executive population will rise, and along with a decline of freehold land in prime locations, the value of any properties situated in convenient locations are prospected to boom.”


                To discover the potential of this one-of-a-kind investment opportunity, ParkCity Hanoi – The Mansions, will be launched on April 14* (Saturday) and 15* (Sunday) 2018, during the Vietnam Landed Properties Investment Seminar at The Excelsior Hong Kong, Gloucester Rooms, 3rd Floor, 281 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay.


                Investment Seminar

                April 14 – 15*, 2018 (Saturday and Sunday)

                Please choose one of the following sessions:

                Session 1: 12pm – 2pm (English)

                Session 2: 2pm – 4pm (Cantonese)

                Session 3: 4pm – 6pm (Cantonese)

                Address: The Excelsior Hong Kong 3/F Gloucester Rooms

                281 Gloucester Road Causeway Bay Hong Kong



                Jacqueline Tsang

                PR & Marketing Assistant

                Tel: 21520488



                關於 Ashton Hawks

                Ashton Hawks 將帶您走進前所未有之生活享受。從南北半球,東西海岸,世界各地搜羅最具投資潛力的房地產。Ashton Hawks 是由一群擁有多年經驗的資深銀行家及專業投資顧問所創立和帶領。辦公室總辦事處位於香港及泰國曼谷。我們的專業團隊會為你提供一站式買賣海外及本地物業以至租賃服務,使你投資無後顧之憂。



                About ParkCity Hanoi – The Mansions

                項目 ParkCity Hanoi – The Mansions
                Developer ParkCity
                Location 越南河內
                Legal Tenure Leasehold 50 years with renewal possibility for foreigners
                Site Area NFA 3,524 – 5,216 sq. ft.
                Type of development 3-4 storeys Mansion Villas
                Facilities & Services Lap Pool, Lounge & Kids Pool, BBQ, Adventure Play Area, Gym, Outdoor Fitness Park, Multipurpose Hall & 24 hr. Security by Guards


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