Author Archives: admin_silvia

Origin Thonglor World | 新世代嶄新生活盡顯無限機遇


全球股市動盪、油價大跌, 買磚頭一直是投資者首選的保值投資產品。 而曼谷豪華公寓數量愈來愈多,地段必成買家首要條件,究竟哪一區最具升值潛力?

Thonglor 屬於曼谷素坤逸區,是傳統意義上的曼谷富人區 ,也是日本人最為聚集的區域,周圍都是星級餐廳、水療美容店、大型購物中心等高品質場所。根據Nexus數據指出,過去5年曼谷市中心房價不斷攀升,其中Thonglor增幅高達66%。Thonglor租客大多來自在曼谷中央商務區工作的日本人及歐美人,是曼谷市中心回報率高的區域。預計未來3年市中心的公寓價格將上漲12-15%,而這也是泰國富人排行榜中的前11位富人皆在Thonglor區置業房產的原因。


  • 曼谷的潮流聖地,也是著名的日韓富人區
  • 位處於素坤逸Thonglor BTS站附近
  • Thonglor市中心最大型的綜合項目
  • 提供複式及單層單元,超過 20 種豪華住客設施
  • 複式單元樓底約4.35米高,為生活提供各種可能性


  • 連接Thonglor-Ekamai CBD及Gateway Ekamai 購物中心
  • 1 分鐘步行到 Donki Mall Thonglor
  • 4 分鐘乘車前往 Asok CBD
  • 5 分鐘車程到曼谷素坤逸萬豪酒店
  • 8 分鐘步行到潮流商圈The Commons
  • 10 分鐘車程前往 Samittivej 醫院
  • 12 分鐘車程到熱門購物中心 Siam Paragon



  • Singapore Int’l School, Ekamai
  • The American School of Bangkok
  • St. Andrews Int’l School 
  • Wells Int’l School
  • Bangkok University, Rama IV 

實力雄厚發展商 有「建築魔術師」美譽

項目由泰國排名前五的上市公司Origin開發建造,並由洲際酒店管理集團提供管理服務,為住戶提供酒店式居住環境及星級酒店服務外,租金潛力亦會大大提升。 Origin已開發過40個地產項目,擁有雄厚的財力和經驗,很多項目上市沒多久便銷售一空。地理位置優越、高品質、精致化為Origin建築風格特色。

⭐ 永久業權綜合住宅項目
⭐ 2房複式單位由港幣570萬起
⭐ 預計2025年Q4落成

想了解更多關於泰國房地產市場更新、《泰國公寓法》 和該項目的獨家細節? 曼谷市場上物業供不應求,Origin Thonglor World可能成為未來幾年區內僅有豪華公寓!立即登記講座了解更多!!


Date:    5 – 6 Nov 2022 (Sat – Sun)
Time:    12pm (Eng) | 2pm (Canto) | 4pm (Canto)
地點:  銅鑼灣柏寧酒店27樓
查詢: 5226 1138  ( WhatsApp

免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


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    我們的創辦人及 CEO (Next Plus )

    Ashton Hawks Founder and CEO Mr. Kingston Lai, who also founded Golden Emperor Properties and Asia Bankers Club, was interviewed by Next Plus to share his road on being a successful entrepreneur. Review the interview with the link below for the full article and video:


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      新世代奢華之選 曼谷Culture Chula



      • 1至3房複式|4.3特高樓底
      • 3分鐘到𝑩𝑻𝑺 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒂 𝑫𝒂𝒆𝒏𝒈及𝑴𝑹𝑻 𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒎站
      • 5分鐘到Siam Paragon 、CentralWorld等六大購物商場
      • 位於Sathorn商業中心區及大學城
      • 租金回報料達 6%*
      • 無邊際泳池、24小時辦公空間、142公頃私家花園
      • From HKD1,880,000
      • 租金回報達6%*

      曼谷第一學府圈內最新時尚項目Culture Chula ,24小時工作空間讓「數碼遊牧」 Digital Nomad隨時舒適遙距工作。

      曼谷Culture Chula由泰國上市發展商Ananda打造, Ashton Hawks獨家代理。

      🔥租金回報料達 6%*🔥

      新盤屬Silom-Samyan 區最新項目,位於商業中心區及大學城,料區內租客超過100萬人。 


      朱拉隆功大學 泰國排名第一學府





      項目鄰近兩大主幹道交界,雙鐵交匯 ,步行3分鐘直達BTS及MRT四個大站。行3分鐘直達BTS及MRT四個大站;5分鐘到Siam Paragon 、CentralWorld等六大購物商場。

      甲級地段令同類住宅項目公開發售不久即全數沽清。今次Ashton Hawks先拔頭籌 優先獨家代理最靚單位 ,戶型有1至3房複式,4.3特高樓底,包全屋裝修及家俬 。設施方面有無邊際泳池、24小時Co-Working Space、142公頃私家花園等。


      24 小時開放的辦公空間適合所有追求安靜工作的人。 設施包括視頻通話亭、會議室、電話亭 、直播工作間等。



      8分鐘步行至142公頃Lumpini Park


      日期: 2023年2月25至26日(六、日)
      時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
      地點: 銅鑼灣柏寧酒店27樓
      電話 5226 1138 


      免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


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        專訪我們的董事總經賴遠方先生 (The Standard)

        Asia Bankers Club founder and chief executive Kingston Lai sees future potential in property markets in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, New York City, Manchester – but he has reservations about London and cities in Australia.

        In addition to the investment club targeting bankers and professionals, Lai also controls Ashton Hawks and Golden Emperor Properties, which aim at high net worth individuals and retail investors, respectively, for overseas real estate.

        Amid a number of uncertainties, Lai reckons real estate buyers need to think twice. “But the more uncertainty people see from the trade war, the more they are interested in properties in Vietnam, where more manufacturers are expected to move from China.” He says a recent project in HCMC received an overwhelming response.

        “Even if the Hong Kong property market were to fall, would flats now valued at HK$10 million plunge to HK$5 million? However, two-room apartments sized between 700 and 1,000 square feet in district 2 and 4 in HCMC cost around HK$2 million and they have the potential to rise further.”

        He compares these areas to Sheung Wan, close to the central business district. Apartments further away from the CBD cost around HK$1.2 million only.

        Property prices in HCMC have risen on average 15 percent a year over the past three years, compared with as much as 30 percent a year in Bangkok several years ago, says Lai. On average, there is 8 percent gross rental yield in HCMC, he says.

        District 1 is the traditional CBD and district 3 is where many embassies and historical buildings are located. Investors have been looking at districts 2 and 4. Last month, the HCMC administration decided that no high-rise apartment projects in districts 1 and 3 will be approved until 2020. Lai expects supply to be even tighter.

        He is also bullish on the property market in Hanoi, where Samsung, Apple and Microsoft have invested. The World Bank projected GDP growth in Vietnam to be 6.8 percent in 2018 and 6.5 percent in 2019.

        Although Koreans and Japanese are the top foreign investors in Vietnam, Lai says they are not keen on buying properties, unlike Hong Kong and mainland Chinese, who can rent the flats to them. “You can compare HCMC and Hanoi with Shanghai and Beijing, respectively, but we are yet to find a Shenzhen in Vietnam,” Lai says.

        Overseas people can buy property in Vietnam and sell or lease it to locals and foreigners. A 50-year leasehold ownership will be given to foreigners with renewal possibility.

        When buying a property in Vietnam, investors are subject to 0.5 percent stamp duty. For rental income, they are subject to about 10 percent income tax. If they want to sell the property, 2 percent personal income tax of the selling price will be charged.

        Foreigners need to have a bank account in Vietnam and need to sign the sales agreement in person. Mortgages are not available. He says the firm has helped a client to gain about 16 percent to buy and sell a property in Vietnam within a year.

        Lai, a Malaysian Chinese, says it takes time to assess the political situation back home. He adds that properties in Singapore are too expensive to buy.

        Investors in Thailand property should be cautious. Lai says that a studio in Bangkok near a metro station costs between HK$1 million and HK$2 million, while those costing only HK$500,000 may be in very remote areas that will be difficult to sell or rent out.

        As for developed markets, Lai sees potential in New York City.

        Sellers have been cutting prices there with less demand due to a tax reform that changes the mortgage interest and property tax deduction, making home ownership less attractive.

        While this also applies to foreigners, Lai says some Hong Kong buyers note that the US-HK dollar peg minimizes currency risk. They expect long-term capital gain in New York City center, where there is continuing redevelopment and population growth.

        Despite the interest among locals for London homes, Lai is cautious in the wake of Brexit and the high costs of investing there. He sees more potential in Manchester, which he believes could be a future London, Liverpool and Birmingham.

        In Australia, Lai says banks will only provide construction financing to developers if they have sold a substantial amount of an uncompleted project. He worries some developers may struggle.

        He also sees potential in Japanese real estate but the company does not have expertise there. “We only sell projects that we can manage. We sell about 1,000 units a year. We try our best to ensure customers’ properties are well-managed and can be rented out,” he says. “Selling projects by major developers is one of the ways in which we have peace of mind.”

        He and his team carry out due diligence and even buy properties themselves to experience the process. Six months were spent studying the property market in Vietnam before identifying projects.

        Ashton Hawks and Golden Emperor Properties serve clients with different needs.

        “If you tell me HK$1 million cash is all that you have, I won’t tell you to place it all into a property in Vietnam.

        “Instead, we have helped a retired customer to spend HK$500,000 to buy a condo in Thailand for his own use and the rest for his spending.

        “Customers like bankers may bet on some properties in Southeast Asia and at the same time invest in London, or New York City, for long-term stable growth.”

        Source: The Standard


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          【EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH】 DE LA SOL Phase 2 Cello Tower

          新聞稿 [供即時刊登]

          Hottest project in HCMC – Phase 1 sold out within days previously

          (28 November 2018, Hong Kong)

          Vietnam – Key Winner of U.S.-China Trade War
          Amidst the U.S.-China trade war, Vietnam’s exports have surged 15.2% y-o-y, which amounted to over USD202 billion for the first ten months of 2018. According to a survey from U.S. and Chinese companies, Vietnam has emerged as a key winner in the trade war, with companies moving production to Vietnam to escape tariffs. Goertek, the Chinese manufacturer of Apple’s Airpods, have confirmed plans to shift their production lines from China to Vietnam as the trade war continued to escalate. Other multinational corporations and chains such as Amazon, Mazda, Mandarin Oriental, H&M and Zara have kicked off their expansion plans in this booming country in 2018.

          Reports from the World Bank affirmed that the forecast of Vietnam’s GDP growth shall reach the target of 6.5-6.7% in 2019. Future development plans in Vietnam are likely to accelerate its thriving economy. Construction on its biggest airport – the Long Thanh International Airport shall commence in 2020 and target to operate in 2025. Situated at 40km east of HCMC, the Long Thanh International Airport is expected to overtake the current airport with an annual capacity of 100 million passengers. With Vietnam becoming a dynamic country and an attractive investment destination, the award-winning developer CapitaLand seized the opportunity to launch the exquisite De La Sol Phase 2 Cello Tower

          .De La Sol Phase 2 (Cello Tower) – Hottest Project in HCMC
          With the foreign quota of Phase 1 sold out within days previously, De La Sol Phase 2 – Cello Tower is a luxury condominium in HCMC by the prestigious developer CapitaLand. De La Sol, with the luxury and privacy it offers, is conveniently situated in the bustling locality of District 4 with proximity to the city’s central business district (District 1), situated at a 5-minute drive away.

          One can easily access Districts 1, 2, 5 and 7 and their many tourist attractions and nightlife venues as well as offices, conference halls, schools and shopping centers. De La Sol’s Cello Tower is a 204-unit condominium standing at 21-storeys high and offering 2-bedroom units with the highest standards. With its dynamic theme of music, residents can enjoy its active facilities and Instagram-worthy surroundings including a magnificent 50-metre pool, sky theatre, co-working space, cinema room, games room, car park, and security services, creating the perfect experience for residents to immerse in a young and vibrant lifestyle. Prices starts at HKD1.77M with 8% p.a. projected rental yield. It is expected to be completed by Q4 2020.

          Award-winning International Developer – CapitaLand
          Headquartered and listed in Singapore, CapitaLand is one of Asia’s largest real estate companies with presence in around 150 cities across 27 countries. It is widely recognized as the leading and long-standing corporation in Singapore, winning for the 2nd consecutive year in the Euromoney Real Estate Survey 2018. Its real estate expertise is broadly diversified with its businesses in 4 key sectors – residential, office, shopping malls and serviced residences. The company is approximately 40% owned by the Singapore Government through Temasek.As one of the most respected and highly sought-after developers in Vietnam’s property market, CapitaLand has planted its roots in Vietnam with over 24 years of presence, with 13 residential projects and 22 serviced apartments launched over the years. Its acclaimed projects include De La Sol (Phase 1, Alto Tower), The Vista, Vista Verde, Feliz en Vista, D2eight, d’Edge and D1MENSION. CapitaLand’s proven track record soundly convinces property investors with its standard of excellence and professional expertise in real estate projects and services.

          Ms. Michele Cheng, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks, said: “Riding on the success of Phase 1, CapitaLand is introducing De La Sol Phase 2 – Cello Tower in HCMC’s District 4. De La Sol is the first international development in District 4 of Ho Chi Minh City, adjacent to the traditional CBD in District 1. Its close proximity to District 1 but significantly lower prices are appealing to investors. District 4 is one of the most sought-after districts as seen by co-working provider WeWork moving into Etown in District 4 and the overflow of developments from District 1 to District 4 has made it promising for developers investing in District 4. The gentrification of this district is a positive sign for the housing prices. Vietnam’s economic success is largely reflected in the skyline of HCMC’s CBD in District 1, which is expanding upwards as well as outwards. Currently, land costs in District 4 are only 1/4 of comparable land in District 1. District 4 is easily accessible by vehicular bridges and positioned to be HCMC’s CBD Lite, it is one of the fastest growing districts in the city, hosting ongoing projects including a massive Riverfront development plan. HCMC’s economic success will continue as the city welcomes businesses and FDI into the city through a multi-billion-US-dollar Long Thanh International Airport, constructed to be Vietnam’s largest and most iconic airport. As HCMC’s economic boom continues, the property market will hold strong. Developing districts like District 4 now holds an immense development and investment prospect.

          Mr. Frederick Ho, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks commented: “Boosted by the escalating trade war between U.S. and China, producers have diversified their supply chains to Vietnam due to its low labour costs and modernized factories. Furthermore, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has enabled Vietnam to gain duty-free access to the EU market, further boosting FDI and export driven growth. The anticipated increase in FDI is expected to stimulate a further expansion of different industries and increase productivity in various sectors. Besides, the number of expats in Vietnam has surged as multinational corporations has established offices in the country. According to a HSBC survey, Vietnam ranks 19th in the best countries for expats globally, in terms of opportunities and quality of life. It can be foreseen that this trend shall continue to accelerate at a promising rate, elevating the already strong demand of rental properties in Vietnam and further boosting its property market.”The launch of De La Sol Phase 2 (Cello Tower) will take place on 8-9 December 2018 in The Park Lane Hong Kong (27/F, 310 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay).

          關於 Ashton Hawks
          Ashton Hawks was established by a group of renowned investment gurus and private collectors who laid the very foundation of the discerning Ashton Hawks, balancing luxury leisure lifestyle and investment. Our headquarter office is located in Hong Kong, with overseas branches in Bangkok and Vietnam. Ashton Hawks’ real estate portfolio is as diverse in style as it is in mega-estate location across the globe and caters to luxury style of all


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            專訪我們的董事總經賴遠方先生 (East Week)

            Our Managing Director Mr. Kingston Lai was interviewed by East Week Magazine regarding the story of starting his business.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


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              125 Greenwich – Residential skyscraper in Manhattan’s financial district

              新聞稿 [供即時刊登]

              125 Greenwich – Residential skyscraper in Manhattan’s financial district

              (2 November 2018, Hong Kong)

              The U.S. economy has expanded at its fastest pace in 4 years in Q2 2018. The benchmark S&P 500 Equity Index has hit a record closing high in January 2018, symbolizing the swift recovery and remarkable performance of U.S. equities, which in turn boosts consumption and investment.

              Fueled by U.S. economic strength and Federal Reserve raising interest rates, USD has maintained an upward momentum lately, surging 6% since February this year against other major currencies in the world and maintaining stable growth in the past decade. The strong USD has pushed investors to seek out the currency as a safe haven asset.

              With the U.S. recommencing its economic growth, the renowned developer Bizzi & Partners Development grabbed the golden opportunity to launch a spectacular new property project in New York – 125 Greenwich in the heart of Manhattan.

              125 Greenwich – Living in a masterpiece

              Designed by world-renowned architect Rafael Viñoly, 125 Greenwich stands at 88-storeys high and offers 273 residences ranging from studios to three-bedroom and penthouse residences. Net sizes range from 418 – 3,018 square feet, with prices starting from HKD9.4M (USD1.2M).

              Investors can expect a rewarding rental yield of 4% per annum with up to 70% financing. It offers future residents an exclusive chance to see the city from a new perspective and enjoy a pampered and lavish lifestyle – 15,000 square-foot amenities including sophisticated concierge services, sky pool with panoramic views of the bustling city, theater, private dining, sky lounge, spa & sauna and gym etc. It is expected to be completed by Q4 2019.

              Nestled at Manhattan’s financial district, 125 Greenwich is the neighbor to a cluster of soaring skyscrapers such as One World Trade Center, which is comparable to “Central” in Hong Kong. The area comprises of offices and headquarters of multinational corporations and major financial institutions, including the New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street and the Federal Hall.

              125 Greenwich offers residents a unique opportunity to experience life in the most sought-after locations and communities. Residents can discover the electric vibrancy of Manhattan downtown at this lively intersection of business and leisure – with the dynamic dining scene, luxury retails, architecture and proximity to Central Park. Its unrivalled location allows easy access to subways, ferries and other public transportation.

              Internationally renowned developer – Bizzi & Partners Development

              The pristine 125 Greenwich is the creation of the acclaimed U.S. developer Bizzi & Partners Development.

              With offices in Milan, New York, San Paolo and Tallinn, Bizzi & Partners Development is a global high end real estate developer focused on the development of premier commercial and residential properties in Europe and the Americas. Founded in 2000, it is led by an executive team with decades of experience in real estate development, including the acquisition, financing, construction and renovation of a wide array of property types.

              As one of the most respected and highly sought developer in the U.S. property market, the firm has an expansive portfolio of avant-garde and acclaimed projects. The firm’s current projects include Milanosesto: a 10 million square foot mixed-use project in Milan, and two additional collaborations with Pritzker Prize-winning architect Renzo Piano on Eighty Seven Park in Miami Beach and 565 Broome in New York’s SoHo neighborhood. Previous New York projects include the distinguished 400th Avenue and the Leonard in Tribeca.

              Mr. Davide Bizzi, CEO of Bizzi & Partners Development said, “With the opening of a vast array of high-end restaurants and retail outlets in Manhattan’s financial district, this neighborhood has become one of the most desirable places to live and work. We capitalized on this golden opportunity and create this truly unmissable investment by acquiring the property at 125 Greenwich Street. By hiring the world-renowned Rafael Viñoly to redesign the building, we are confident that 125 Greenwich shall be an iconic skyscraper in the heart of New York and be popular among local and foreign investors as it is expected the redevelopment of the financial district will continue for another 10-15 years.”

              Mr. Kingston Lai, Founder and CEO of Asia Bankers Club, added that, “Since the 9/11 attack in 2001, Lower Manhattan has seen a tremendous growth in residential population nearly tripling the number since the attack. More schools have been built and commercial buildings are being converted to residential condos. Once known as the neighborhood shuttered at nights and weekends, it has now been replaced by new residential buildings, more tourist attractions, and growth of high-end retails and restaurants. The future of residential population growth is tremendous in the lower Manhattan neighborhood.”

              Mr. Terence Chan, Managing Director of Golden Emperor Properties states that, “125 Greenwich is nestled in the most impeccable location in New York’s financial district, in between the redevelopment around One World Trade Center and the traditional finance hub of Wall Street. The district now hosts a high-end luxury lifestyle most suited for its finance professionals amongst international firms like Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and J.P. Morgan. Moreover, property price in Manhattan has remained steady within the last decade, increasing by only 50% with properties sold within an average of 100 days. Its rental market also shows excelling performance, with a low vacancy rate at 1.58% and properties renting out within 1 month. As a slow-rising property market in the USA under a steady economy with a revolutionary redevelopment plan, New York presents unique investment opportunities. The city’s strong tenant market, coupled with a high market liquidity on a global scale, are compelling reasons to invest into New York’s property market now.”

              Ms. Michele Cheng, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks said: “The current real estate prices in New York are of good value as it is lagging behind other major cities. According to UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index, New York has a very low risk of real estate bubble burst compared to major world cities such as Hong Kong, Munich, Toronto and London. Prices of Manhattan’s properties has much upside potential as it has only risen by 70% in the past 10 years. The foreign investment in the U.S. luxury residential real estate market has also hit a record by reaching USD7.48 billion with Manhattan as one of the key locations for wealth preservation for the ultra-affluent.”

              Mr. Frederick Ho, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks commented, “Real estate in Manhattan’s financial district has also been a popular choice with occupancy rate over 98% in its rental market as demand for housing for locals and expats is huge. In terms of sales volume, condos in the financial district is one of the best performing districts within Manhattan. All in all, 125 Greenwich is the perfect choice for investors who wish to have a stable rental yield and capital gain of their property investment.”

              The launch of 125 Greenwich in Hong Kong will take place on 10-11 November 2018 at The Park Lane Hong Kong (27/F, 310 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay).


              Ashton Hawks
              Cherry Chan

              PR & Branding Vice President
              Tel: (852) 2912 0960

              Golden Emperor Properties (HK) Ltd.
              Christina Cheng

              PR & Marketing Director
              Tel: (852) 2912 0920

              Asia Bankers Club
              Damian Sung

              Associate Director
              Tel: (852) 3998 3001

              關於 Ashton Hawks
              Ashton Hawks was established by a group of renowned investment gurus and private collectors who laid the very foundation of the discerning Ashton Hawks, balancing luxury leisure lifestyle and investment. Our headquarter office is located in Hong Kong, with overseas branches in Bangkok and Vietnam. Ashton Hawks’ real estate portfolio is as diverse in style as it is in mega-estate location across the globe and caters to luxury style of all kinds.

              About Golden Emperor Properties (Hong Kong) Limited
              Golden Emperor Properties (HK) Limited is a Hong Kong-based company that offers international properties to clients in Hong Kong and globally. The company works with property developers from Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Europe and many others. The company has a team of dedicated sales agents that can provide consultancy and information on relevant transaction-related topics such as taxation, sales & purchase procedures, payment schedules, and many other.

              About Asia Bankers Club
              The Asia Bankers Club is an investment club for banking and finance professionals in Asia. With a member base of over 50,000, the Asia Bankers Club organises events for its members and provides physical assets for investments, such as properties, fine wines, art, timepieces, and collectibles. Our members are from top tier investment, private and consumer banks, asset management companies, private equity firms, hedge funds, and sovereign wealth funds primarily located in key financial centers.


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                125 Greenwich Write-up from Quamnet


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                  D1MENSION Style Write-up from Property Times (HKET)


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                    D1MENSION Style Write-up from HKET


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