Waterina Suites, HCMC


Vietnam has long become one of the most sought-after countries for overseas property investors, with the fact that Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) has demonstrated to the world its rapid pace of growth. To help alleviate the jam-packed city, Thu Thiem is planned by the government to become the next CBD, the “West Kowloon” of HCMC, with major infrastructure projects on-going to tout the place as the center of finance, commerce, and international hub for businesses.With progressing infrastructure projects and development, Thu Thiem will eventually unveil its unique identity to serve the residents to meet their every needs.Waterina Suites is a joint venture property development by the world-class developer Maeda Corporation (Japan) and Thien Duc Company.Nestled at the heart of District 2 which is known as the city’s expatriate area, Waterina Suites is situated at an unbeatable location which is prioritized among investors.An array of amenities is available only minutes away – renowned international schools, the “SOHO” area of HCMC, restaurants, bars, luxury hotels, supermarkets, malls and cinemas. Designed by the world-famous Mr. Kengo Kuma who also is lead architect of New National Stadium – Japan, Waterina Suites stands at 25-storeys high with a podium composing of 98 luxurious suites of penthouse, duplex and single floor units. It offers a wide range of state-of-the-art facilities including its magnificent infinity swimming pool overlooking Saigon River, business centre, bar, library and restaurant for residents to indulge in a luxury lifestyle.*** Maeda-Thien Duc Company’s HCMC Project / 10% Down Payment / 7% p.a. Rental Yield ***項目特色:

  • 首期需付10%
  • 淨面積 150.1 平方米起至 559 平方米(1615 平方英尺至 6017 平方英尺),非常適合外籍家庭
  • 提供 1 至 3 房和一些複式單元
  • Waterina Suites 的高級單位享有西貢河的壯麗景色
  • 越南人的永久業權;租賃期 50 年
  • 外國人將單位轉售給當地越南人時的會成為永久業權
  • 5 分鐘到達即將成為胡志明市“西九龍”/“浦東” Thu Thiem 重建區
  • 6 分鐘車程到 Big C & MM 超級市場
  • 10 分鐘車程可達 Thao Dien Mega Mall
  • 專享各種便利設施,包括游泳池、健身房、水療中心、餐廳、住客休息室、燒烤區、便利店等
  • convenient store and more
  • 傢俬齊全*
  • 預期年回報率高達 7% p.a.*
  • 無需前往越南即可在香港預訂單位 *適用條款和條件**預期租金收益為預測值,無法保證
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    Tags: ashton hawks / buyorlet / hanoi / investment / property / vietnam / waterfront