Category Archives: Upcoming Events

NIA by Sansiri | 曼谷旺中帶靜 離塵不離城


⭐10分鐘車程到曼谷蘇豪之稱的Ekkamai 和 Thonglor
⭐無邊際泳池 | 空中花園等設施
⭐75萬港元起準現樓 | 即買即住即放租 | 預計回報達5%

NIA by Sansiri不但鄰近Sansiri在曼谷打造的首座大型綜合社區T77,位於塵囂之外卻又離曼谷市中心不遠,住戶可享受舒適宜人的離塵不離城生活。

僅5分鐘到BTS Phrakanhong站

NIA by Sansiri座落於 Sukhumvit 71,交通四通八達。其鄰近BTS多站如 BTS Onnut 站 和 BTS Phrakanhong 站,且離高速公路不遠,能直達曼谷市中心的 Ekkamai 和 Thonglor 地段。而T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,擁有大量綠色空間等,是一個匯聚商場、餐飲、娛樂、藝術的高級社區。項目周邊可看到Sansiri過去精心打造的豪宅項目,如 Blocs Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Park West、THE BASE Park East、hasu HAUS、 mori HAUS,還有英倫風格的Garden Square別墅,均已公開發售完畢,出租率亦十分之高。

✦ 乘搭1站BTS即達Gateway Ekamai


T以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

✦ 住客可欣賞到Sukhumvit城市天際線 

租客選盤首選 —— BTS沿線物業

以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

Sukhumvit 旺區物業一直備受投資者追奉 近年買少見少

每提及曼谷物業市場的熱門區域,曼谷市東部的Sukhumvit 一定榜上有名。因BTS 多線貫穿, Asoke 、 Sukhumvit 、 Phrom Phong 、 Thong Lo 等熱門BTS 車站都座落在Sukhumvit。同時,這裡也有完善的生活配套,購物中心如Terminal 21、港人至愛的DONKI Mall、政府機構、醫院和文化娛樂場所,如恐龍主題公園、Kamthieng House Museum等,名牌時裝店及潮流餐廳也隨處可見;而鄰近的Asoke則廣受日本人歡迎,故此Sukhumvit深受物業投資者歡迎。


✦T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,住戶可享舒適宜人、離塵不離城寫意生活



日期: 4月1至2日 (六、日)
時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
地點: 香港金鐘 JW 萬豪酒店宴會廳5-6
電話: 5226 1138  


免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


    [counter formid:12211]

    NIA by Sansiri | 曼谷旺中帶靜 離塵不離城


    ⭐10分鐘車程到曼谷蘇豪之稱的Ekkamai 和 Thonglor
    ⭐無邊際泳池 | 空中花園等設施
    ⭐75萬港元起準現樓 | 即買即住即放租 | 預計回報達5%

    NIA by Sansiri不但鄰近Sansiri在曼谷打造的首座大型綜合社區T77,位於塵囂之外卻又離曼谷市中心不遠,住戶可享受舒適宜人的離塵不離城生活。

    僅5分鐘到BTS Phrakanhong站

    NIA by Sansiri座落於 Sukhumvit 71,交通四通八達。其鄰近BTS多站如 BTS Onnut 站 和 BTS Phrakanhong 站,且離高速公路不遠,能直達曼谷市中心的 Ekkamai 和 Thonglor 地段。而T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,擁有大量綠色空間等,是一個匯聚商場、餐飲、娛樂、藝術的高級社區。項目周邊可看到Sansiri過去精心打造的豪宅項目,如 Blocs Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Park West、THE BASE Park East、hasu HAUS、 mori HAUS,還有英倫風格的Garden Square別墅,均已公開發售完畢,出租率亦十分之高。

    ✦ 乘搭1站BTS即達Gateway Ekamai


    T以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

    ✦ 住客可欣賞到Sukhumvit城市天際線 

    租客選盤首選 —— BTS沿線物業

    以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

    Sukhumvit 旺區物業一直備受投資者追奉 近年買少見少

    每提及曼谷物業市場的熱門區域,曼谷市東部的Sukhumvit 一定榜上有名。因BTS 多線貫穿, Asoke 、 Sukhumvit 、 Phrom Phong 、 Thong Lo 等熱門BTS 車站都座落在Sukhumvit。同時,這裡也有完善的生活配套,購物中心如Terminal 21、港人至愛的DONKI Mall、政府機構、醫院和文化娛樂場所,如恐龍主題公園、Kamthieng House Museum等,名牌時裝店及潮流餐廳也隨處可見;而鄰近的Asoke則廣受日本人歡迎,故此Sukhumvit深受物業投資者歡迎。


    ✦T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,住戶可享舒適宜人、離塵不離城寫意生活



    日期: 4月1至2日 (六、日)
    時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
    地點: 香港金鐘 JW 萬豪酒店宴會廳5-6
    電話: 5226 1138  


    免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


      [counter formid:12211]

      NIA by Sansiri | 曼谷旺中帶靜 離塵不離城


      ⭐10分鐘車程到曼谷蘇豪之稱的Ekkamai 和 Thonglor
      ⭐無邊際泳池 | 空中花園等設施
      ⭐75萬港元起準現樓 | 即買即住即放租 | 預計回報達5%

      NIA by Sansiri不但鄰近Sansiri在曼谷打造的首座大型綜合社區T77,位於塵囂之外卻又離曼谷市中心不遠,住戶可享受舒適宜人的離塵不離城生活。

      僅5分鐘到BTS Phrakanhong站

      NIA by Sansiri座落於 Sukhumvit 71,交通四通八達。其鄰近BTS多站如 BTS Onnut 站 和 BTS Phrakanhong 站,且離高速公路不遠,能直達曼谷市中心的 Ekkamai 和 Thonglor 地段。而T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,擁有大量綠色空間等,是一個匯聚商場、餐飲、娛樂、藝術的高級社區。項目周邊可看到Sansiri過去精心打造的豪宅項目,如 Blocs Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Park West、THE BASE Park East、hasu HAUS、 mori HAUS,還有英倫風格的Garden Square別墅,均已公開發售完畢,出租率亦十分之高。

      ✦ 乘搭1站BTS即達Gateway Ekamai


      T以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

      ✦ 住客可欣賞到Sukhumvit城市天際線 

      租客選盤首選 —— BTS沿線物業

      以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

      Sukhumvit 旺區物業一直備受投資者追奉 近年買少見少

      每提及曼谷物業市場的熱門區域,曼谷市東部的Sukhumvit 一定榜上有名。因BTS 多線貫穿, Asoke 、 Sukhumvit 、 Phrom Phong 、 Thong Lo 等熱門BTS 車站都座落在Sukhumvit。同時,這裡也有完善的生活配套,購物中心如Terminal 21、港人至愛的DONKI Mall、政府機構、醫院和文化娛樂場所,如恐龍主題公園、Kamthieng House Museum等,名牌時裝店及潮流餐廳也隨處可見;而鄰近的Asoke則廣受日本人歡迎,故此Sukhumvit深受物業投資者歡迎。


      ✦T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,住戶可享舒適宜人、離塵不離城寫意生活



      日期: 4月1至2日 (六、日)
      時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
      地點: 香港金鐘 JW 萬豪酒店宴會廳5-6
      電話: 5226 1138  


      免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


        [counter formid:12211]

        NIA by Sansiri | Everything you want, all in one place

        Project Highlights

        ⭐Near to Sukhumvit Main Road 
        ⭐Situate between 2 BTS Station | 5-min to Phrakanhong
        ⭐10-min walk to citycenter 
        ⭐10-min drive to Ekkamai & Thonglor
        ⭐Near to 80,000m2 T77 community                                                     
        ⭐Infinity Pool | Sky Garden
        ⭐Freehold & Limited Overseas Quota
        ⭐From HKD750,000 | Rental Yield up to 5%p.a*


        NIA by Sansiri located at Sukhumvit 71 Road. It is close to the expressway, the BTS Skytrain Green Line, prominent landmarks, and countless lifestyle destinations where the advantages of life are yours to enjoy with every trip and opportunity for a break just steps away. 

        Just 5 minutes to BTS Phrakanhong

        By close to both BTS Onnut and BTS Phrakanhong. Easy access to Ramindra – At Narong Expressway. From the property you can also easily access to the inner Sukhumvit such as Ekkamai and Thonglor in 10 minutes. Along the way, you will see many Sansiri’s project residences such as Blocs Sukhumvit 77, THE BASE Sukhumvit 77, THE BASE Park West, THE BASE Park East, hasu HAUS, mori HAUS and a townhouse project, Garden Square, which are mostly sold out.

        1 stop BTS – Gateway Ekamai

        Average Annually Growth of 6% | Rental Yield of 5%

        Taking the BTS Sukhumvit Line of Line 1 as an example, the data for 2022 shows that land prices have increased by 15% compared with the same period last year. The land prices in Chatuchak, Bang Na, Phaya Thai and Phra Khanong, the major stations that BTS SkyTrain passes through, are areas where prices have risen sharply. If you compare the past 10 years, you will find that the land price in the rail transit line area has increased by 305.8%, with an average annual increase of about 30.6%.

        Residents can always enjoy Sukhumvit city view 

        Tenant’s Priority To Choosing The Right Place

        Transportation in the Sukhumvit area is well developed. Residents can easily commute by car or bus as there are main roads and highways connecting the city centre to other business districts, not to mention the side-streets (soi) connecting Sukhumvit Road to other main roads, such as Phetchaburi Road and Rama IV Road. Of course, the BTS and MRT also offer convenient transportation. It is not an exaggeration to say that Sukhumvit is one of the most important business districts in Bangkok, thanks to its connections to other important parts of the city, and the growing number of businesses along this major road. Given these elements, the demand in this area is high, both among Thais and foreigners, especially Japanese tenants.

        There are also complete living facilities here, such as shopping centers such as Terminal 21, Hong Kong people’s favorite DONKI Mall, government agencies, hospitals and cultural and entertainment venues, such as dinosaur theme parks, Kamthieng House Museum, etc., famous fashion shops and trendy restaurants are also everywhere Visible; and the neighboring Asoke is popular with Japanese, so Sukhumvit is very popular with property investors.

        With refreshing Gardens, Green Terrace, Backyards and etc

        ✦ Close to T77’s coveted Community with all kinds of desirable attractions

        ⬇️NIA by Sansiri brings every
        destination and amenities ever closer⬇️

        Want to know more about Thailand property market?
        Find us here or give us a call! 

        Date: 1-2 April 2023 (Sat – Sun)
        Time: 12pm (Eng) | 2pm (Canto) | 4pm (Canto)
        Venue: Salon 5 – 6, JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, Admiralty
        Enquiry: 5226 1138 

        Limited seats available. By RSVP only.

        Disclaimer:The information, text, photos contained herein are provided solely for the convenience of interested parties and no warranty or representation as to their accuracy, correctness or completeness is made by Ashton Hawks or the sellers, none of whom shall have any liability or obligation with respect thereto. These offerings are made subject to contract, correction of errors, omissions, prior sales, change of price or terms or withdrawal from the market without notice. Information provided is for reference only and does not constitute all or any part of a contract. Ashton Hawks and its representatives work exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and are not required to be nor are licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with properties situated in Hong Kong. Digital illustrations are indicative only. *Rental yield is projected by the agency and not guaranteed by the developer.

        Register Now

          [counter formid:11867]

          NIA by Sansiri | 曼谷旺中帶靜 離塵不離城


          ⭐10分鐘車程到曼谷蘇豪之稱的Ekkamai 和 Thonglor
          ⭐無邊際泳池 | 空中花園等設施
          ⭐75萬港元起準現樓 | 即買即住即放租 | 預計回報達5%

          NIA by Sansiri不但鄰近Sansiri在曼谷打造的首座大型綜合社區T77,位於塵囂之外卻又離曼谷市中心不遠,住戶可享受舒適宜人的離塵不離城生活。

          僅5分鐘到BTS Phrakanhong站

          NIA by Sansiri座落於 Sukhumvit 71,交通四通八達。其鄰近BTS多站如 BTS Onnut 站 和 BTS Phrakanhong 站,且離高速公路不遠,能直達曼谷市中心的 Ekkamai 和 Thonglor 地段。而T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,擁有大量綠色空間等,是一個匯聚商場、餐飲、娛樂、藝術的高級社區。項目周邊可看到Sansiri過去精心打造的豪宅項目,如 Blocs Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Park West、THE BASE Park East、hasu HAUS、 mori HAUS,還有英倫風格的Garden Square別墅,均已公開發售完畢,出租率亦十分之高。

          ✦ 乘搭1站BTS即達Gateway Ekamai


          T以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

          ✦ 住客可欣賞到Sukhumvit城市天際線 

          租客選盤首選 —— BTS沿線物業

          以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

          Sukhumvit 旺區物業一直備受投資者追奉 近年買少見少

          每提及曼谷物業市場的熱門區域,曼谷市東部的Sukhumvit 一定榜上有名。因BTS 多線貫穿, Asoke 、 Sukhumvit 、 Phrom Phong 、 Thong Lo 等熱門BTS 車站都座落在Sukhumvit。同時,這裡也有完善的生活配套,購物中心如Terminal 21、港人至愛的DONKI Mall、政府機構、醫院和文化娛樂場所,如恐龍主題公園、Kamthieng House Museum等,名牌時裝店及潮流餐廳也隨處可見;而鄰近的Asoke則廣受日本人歡迎,故此Sukhumvit深受物業投資者歡迎。


          ✦T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,住戶可享舒適宜人、離塵不離城寫意生活



          日期: 4月1至2日 (六、日)
          時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
          地點: 香港金鐘 JW 萬豪酒店宴會廳5-6
          電話: 5226 1138  


          免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


            [counter formid:12211]

            NIA by Sansiri | 曼谷旺中帶靜 離塵不離城


            ⭐10分鐘車程到曼谷蘇豪之稱的Ekkamai 和 Thonglor
            ⭐無邊際泳池 | 空中花園等設施
            ⭐77萬港元起準現樓 | 即買即住即放租 | 預計回報達5%


            NIA by Sansiri不但鄰近Sansiri在曼谷打造的首座大型綜合社區T77,位於塵囂之外卻又離曼谷市中心不遠,住戶可享受舒適宜人的離塵不離城生活。

            僅5分鐘到BTS Phrakanhong站

            NIA by Sansiri座落於 Sukhumvit 71,交通四通八達。其鄰近BTS多站如 BTS Onnut 站 和 BTS Phrakanhong 站,且離高速公路不遠,能直達曼谷市中心的 Ekkamai 和 Thonglor 地段。而T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,擁有大量綠色空間等,是一個匯聚商場、餐飲、娛樂、藝術的高級社區。項目周邊可看到Sansiri過去精心打造的豪宅項目,如 Blocs Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Park West、THE BASE Park East、hasu HAUS、 mori HAUS,還有英倫風格的Garden Square別墅,均已公開發售完畢,出租率亦十分之高。.

            乘搭1站BTS即達Gateway Ekamai


            T以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。



            租客選盤首選 —— BTS沿線物業

            以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

            Sukhumvit 旺區物業一直備受投資者追奉 近年買少見少

            每提及曼谷物業市場的熱門區域,曼谷市東部的Sukhumvit 一定榜上有名。因BTS 多線貫穿, Asoke 、 Sukhumvit 、 Phrom Phong 、 Thong Lo 等熱門BTS 車站都座落在Sukhumvit。同時,這裡也有完善的生活配套,購物中心如Terminal 21、港人至愛的DONKI Mall、政府機構、醫院和文化娛樂場所,如恐龍主題公園、Kamthieng House Museum等,名牌時裝店及潮流餐廳也隨處可見;而鄰近的Asoke則廣受日本人歡迎,故此Sukhumvit深受物業投資者歡迎。

            ✦ 住客設施更有多個清新花園、綠色露台、後院等


            ✦ T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,住戶可享舒適宜人、離塵不離城寫意生活



            日期: 3月11至12日 (六、日)
            時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
            地點: 銅鑼灣柏寧酒店27樓
            電話: 5226 1138  



            免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


              [counter formid:12122]

              Breath In | A New Perspective of Riverside Living – FLO by Sansiri

              FLO by Sansiri

              Project Highlights

              • No block view
              • HKD2,500 psf.
              • 10-minute drive to the CBD
              • Rental Yield Up to 5% p.a.*
              • Rooftop facilities with Chao Phaya Riverview
              • 350M from BTS Khlong San Station
              • 3-minute drive to the luxurious landmark ICONSIAM
              • Unit price starting HKD680k | Down Payment from HKD100k

              Awaken by a rebound in tourism and an array of economic activities, Thailand’s economy is expected to fully recover in 2024.

              曼谷買樓 - FLO by Sansiri

              The residential view of stunning world class firework.  


              The new project FLO by Sansiri, launched by giant developer Sansiri, is located at the riverside of Chao Phraya River. It occupies a prestigious location with only 350M from BTS Khlong San Station and 10-minute drive to the CBD.  

              Prestigious Location

              As the construction of BTS line, the major traffic infrastructure in Thailand, is set to complete along the riverbank in a few years, leading FLO by Sansiri the way to become the leading project that links day and night, and one of the most potentially rewarding investments in the area. With a unit price starting from HKD680k and rental yield up to 5% p.a.*, making it undoubtedly an affordable yet low-risk choice.

              With just a mere walking distance to BTS Khlong San Station, the project connects the residents quickly and conveniently to the CBD via the BTS Green Line network. It is also immersed in a spectrum of lifestyle destinations, including a 3-minute drive to the luxurious landmark ICONSIAM and various choices of culinary attractions nearby, fulfilling the glamour desire of city hoppers from day and night.

              5-min to BTS station | 3-min to ICONSIAM


              10-min Drive to CBD


              Tourist Attractions

              Attractions Nearby

              • Luxurious landmark ICONSIAM
              • World-Class Countdown @ICONSIAM
              • Asiatique The Riverfront 
              • Wat Traimit, Golden Buddha
              • Princess Mother Memorial Park
              • Small Alleys @Talat Noi
              • Thonburi Palace


              Want to know more about Thailand property market? Find us here or just give us a call! 

              Date: 26-27 Nov 2022 (Sat – Sun)
              Time: 12pm (Eng) | 2pm (Canto) | 4pm (Canto)
              Venue: Lobby Level, Centenary Room, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui
              Enquiry: 5226 1138  ( WhatsApp

              Limited seats available. By RSVP only.

              Disclaimer:The information, text, photos contained herein are provided solely for the convenience of interested parties and no warranty or representation as to their accuracy, correctness or completeness is made by Ashton Hawks or the sellers, none of whom shall have any liability or obligation with respect thereto. These offerings are made subject to contract, correction of errors, omissions, prior sales, change of price or terms or withdrawal from the market without notice. Information provided is for reference only and does not constitute all or any part of a contract. Ashton Hawks and its representatives work exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and are not required to be nor are licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with properties situated in Hong Kong. Digital illustrations are indicative only. *Rental yield is projected by the agency and not guaranteed by the developer.

              Register Now

                [counter formid:11132]

                Breath In | A New Perspective of Riverside Living – FLO by Sansiri

                FLO by Sansiri

                Project Highlights

                • No block view
                • HKD2,500 psf.
                • 10-minute drive to the CBD
                • Rental Yield Up to 5% p.a.*
                • Rooftop facilities with Chao Phaya Riverview
                • 350M from BTS Khlong San Station
                • 3-minute drive to the luxurious landmark ICONSIAM
                • Unit price starting HKD680k | Down Payment from HKD100k

                Awaken by a rebound in tourism and an array of economic activities, Thailand’s economy is expected to fully recover in 2024.

                曼谷買樓 - FLO by Sansiri

                The residential view of stunning world class firework.  


                The new project FLO by Sansiri, launched by giant developer Sansiri, is located at the riverside of Chao Phraya River. It occupies a prestigious location with only 350M from BTS Khlong San Station and 10-minute drive to the CBD.  

                Prestigious Location

                As the construction of BTS line, the major traffic infrastructure in Thailand, is set to complete along the riverbank in a few years, leading FLO by Sansiri the way to become the leading project that links day and night, and one of the most potentially rewarding investments in the area. With a unit price starting from HKD680k and rental yield up to 5% p.a.*, making it undoubtedly an affordable yet low-risk choice.

                With just a mere walking distance to BTS Khlong San Station, the project connects the residents quickly and conveniently to the CBD via the BTS Green Line network. It is also immersed in a spectrum of lifestyle destinations, including a 3-minute drive to the luxurious landmark ICONSIAM and various choices of culinary attractions nearby, fulfilling the glamour desire of city hoppers from day and night.

                5-min to BTS station | 3-min to ICONSIAM


                10-min Drive to CBD


                Tourist Attractions

                Attractions Nearby

                • Luxurious landmark ICONSIAM
                • World-Class Countdown @ICONSIAM
                • Asiatique The Riverfront 
                • Wat Traimit, Golden Buddha
                • Princess Mother Memorial Park
                • Small Alleys @Talat Noi
                • Thonburi Palace


                Want to know more about Thailand property market? Find us here or just give us a call! 

                Date: 26-27 Nov 2022 (Sat – Sun)
                Time: 12pm (Eng) | 2pm (Canto) | 4pm (Canto)
                Venue: Lobby Level, Centenary Room, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui
                Enquiry: 5226 1138  ( WhatsApp

                Limited seats available. By RSVP only.

                Disclaimer:The information, text, photos contained herein are provided solely for the convenience of interested parties and no warranty or representation as to their accuracy, correctness or completeness is made by Ashton Hawks or the sellers, none of whom shall have any liability or obligation with respect thereto. These offerings are made subject to contract, correction of errors, omissions, prior sales, change of price or terms or withdrawal from the market without notice. Information provided is for reference only and does not constitute all or any part of a contract. Ashton Hawks and its representatives work exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and are not required to be nor are licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with properties situated in Hong Kong. Digital illustrations are indicative only. *Rental yield is projected by the agency and not guaranteed by the developer.

                Register Now

                  [counter formid:11146]

                  Breath In | A New Perspective of Riverside Living

                  FLO by Sansiri

                  Project Highlights

                  • No block view
                  • HKD2,500 psf.
                  • 10-minute drive to the CBD
                  • Rental Yield Up to 5% p.a.*
                  • Rooftop facilities with Chao Phaya Riverview
                  • 350M from BTS Khlong San Station
                  • 3-minute drive to the luxurious landmark ICONSIAM
                  • Unit price starting HKD680k | Down Payment from HKD100k

                  Awaken by a rebound in tourism and an array of economic activities, Thailand’s economy is expected to fully recover in 2024.

                  曼谷買樓 - FLO by Sansiri

                  The residential view of stunning world class firework.  


                  The new project FLO by Sansiri, launched by giant developer Sansiri, is located at the riverside of Chao Phraya River. It occupies a prestigious location with only 350M from BTS Khlong San Station and 10-minute drive to the CBD.  

                  Prestigious Location

                  As the construction of BTS line, the major traffic infrastructure in Thailand, is set to complete along the riverbank in a few years, leading FLO by Sansiri the way to become the leading project that links day and night, and one of the most potentially rewarding investments in the area. With a unit price starting from HKD680k and rental yield up to 5% p.a.*, making it undoubtedly an affordable yet low-risk choice.

                  With just a mere walking distance to BTS Khlong San Station, the project connects the residents quickly and conveniently to the CBD via the BTS Green Line network. It is also immersed in a spectrum of lifestyle destinations, including a 3-minute drive to the luxurious landmark ICONSIAM and various choices of culinary attractions nearby, fulfilling the glamour desire of city hoppers from day and night.

                  5-min to BTS station | 3-min to ICONSIAM


                  10-min Drive to CBD


                  Tourist Attractions

                  Attractions Nearby

                  • Luxurious landmark ICONSIAM
                  • World-Class Countdown @ICONSIAM
                  • Asiatique The Riverfront 
                  • Wat Traimit, Golden Buddha
                  • Princess Mother Memorial Park
                  • Small Alleys @Talat Noi
                  • Thonburi Palace


                  Want to know more about Thailand property market? Find us here or just give us a call! 

                  Date: 26-27 Nov 2022 (Sat – Sun)
                  Time: 12pm (Eng) | 2pm (Canto) | 4pm (Canto)
                  Venue: Lobby Level, Centenary Room, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui
                  Enquiry: 5226 1138  ( WhatsApp

                  Limited seats available. By RSVP only.

                  Disclaimer:The information, text, photos contained herein are provided solely for the convenience of interested parties and no warranty or representation as to their accuracy, correctness or completeness is made by Ashton Hawks or the sellers, none of whom shall have any liability or obligation with respect thereto. These offerings are made subject to contract, correction of errors, omissions, prior sales, change of price or terms or withdrawal from the market without notice. Information provided is for reference only and does not constitute all or any part of a contract. Ashton Hawks and its representatives work exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and are not required to be nor are licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with properties situated in Hong Kong. Digital illustrations are indicative only. *Rental yield is projected by the agency and not guaranteed by the developer.

                  Register Now

                    [counter formid:11135]

                    NIA by Sansiri | 曼谷旺中帶靜 離塵不離城


                    ⭐5分鐘到BTS Phrakanhong站|雙線匯聚
                    ⭐10分鐘車程到曼谷蘇豪之稱的Ekkamai 和 Thonglor
                    ⭐無邊際泳池 | 空中花園等設施
                    ⭐75萬港元起準現樓 | 即買即住即放租 | 預計回報達5%

                    NIA by Sansiri不但鄰近Sansiri在曼谷打造的首座大型綜合社區T77,位於塵囂之外卻又離曼谷市中心不遠,住戶可享受舒適宜人的離塵不離城生活。

                    僅5分鐘到BTS Phrakanhong站

                    NIA by Sansiri座落於 Sukhumvit 71,交通四通八達。其鄰近BTS多站如 BTS Onnut 站 和 BTS Phrakanhong 站,且離高速公路不遠,能直達曼谷市中心的 Ekkamai 和 Thonglor 地段。而T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,擁有大量綠色空間等,是一個匯聚商場、餐飲、娛樂、藝術的高級社區。項目周邊可看到Sansiri過去精心打造的豪宅項目,如 Blocs Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Sukhumvit 77、THE BASE Park West、THE BASE Park East、hasu HAUS、 mori HAUS,還有英倫風格的Garden Square別墅,均已公開發售完畢,出租率亦十分之高。

                    ✦ 乘搭1站BTS即達Gateway Ekamai


                    以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

                    ✦ 住客可欣賞到Sukhumvit城市天際線 

                    租客選盤首選 —— BTS沿線物業

                    以1號線BTS Sukhumvit Line為例,2022年的數據顯示,地價較去年同期增長15%,在BTS SkyTrain經過的大站Chatuchak、Bang Na、Phaya Thai和Phra Khanong地區的地價是價格大幅上漲的區域。如果對比過去10年,會發現軌道交通線區域的地價上漲了305.8%,平均每年上漲30.6%左右。

                    Sukhumvit 旺區物業一直備受投資者追奉 近年買少見少

                    每提及曼谷物業市場的熱門區域,曼谷市東部的Sukhumvit 一定榜上有名。因BTS 多線貫穿, Asoke 、 Sukhumvit 、 Phrom Phong 、 Thong Lo 等熱門BTS 車站都座落在Sukhumvit。同時,這裡也有完善的生活配套,購物中心如Terminal 21、港人至愛的DONKI Mall、政府機構、醫院和文化娛樂場所,如恐龍主題公園、Kamthieng House Museum等,名牌時裝店及潮流餐廳也隨處可見;而鄰近的Asoke則廣受日本人歡迎,故此Sukhumvit深受物業投資者歡迎。


                    ✦T77 社區佔地超過8萬平方公尺,住戶可享舒適宜人、離塵不離城寫意生活



                    日期: 4月1至2日 (六、日)
                    時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
                    地點: 香港金鐘 JW 萬豪酒店宴會廳5-6
                    電話: 5226 1138  


                    免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


                      [counter formid:12211]